Quia WebOne premise of the National Response Framework is Tiered Response. 11314(a)(2). Governmental functions normally fall into two categories: the act of governing, i.e., the discretionary exercise of Government authority, and monetary transactions and entitlements. Collapse All Sections Introduction What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area? C. Secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters. ways in which gr12 learners could view changes after school in a positive manner, 3 ways relationships can be positive in someones well being, Mention four ways in which the rule of law could protect community memebers whose private property was damaged during a protest, name four ways how self awareness can decrease the likelihood of learners turning to discriminating behaviors, Need some help with this for social studies. . Direct costs are not limited to items that are incorporated in the end product as material or labor. Shipment means freight transported or to be transported. A lock ( In determining whether affiliation exists, consideration is given to all appropriate factors including common ownership, common management, and contractual relationships. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area Preponderance of the evidence means proof by information that, compared with that opposing it, leads to the conclusion that the fact at issue is more probably true than not. WebMission Areas The purpose of this page is to provide an overview of the five mission areas. A limit of liability for each surety may be stated. D. Secure the homeland against terrorism and man-made or natural disasters. B. It does not involve a process of valuation. Statement of Objectives (SOO) means a Government-prepared document incorporated into the solicitation that states the overall performance objectives. Emergency Management Institute | Independent Study Program (IS) (A) In deliverable end item quantities only; (B) In research and development (R&D) items or R&D test quantities that are due solely to results of previous testing under the instant contract; or, (i) 52.248-2, see the definition at 52.248-2(b); and. Consent to subcontract means the contracting officers written consent for the prime contractor to enter into a particular subcontract. For use in the clause at 52.247-34, see the definition at 52.247-34(a). (4) 52.225-21 and 52.225-23, see the definition in 52.225-21(a) and 52.225-23(a). WebThe Mission Assurance Strategy has a broader focus and leverages, rather than replicates, the in-depth guidance provided by DoDs cyber strategy. B. Governmentwide point of entry (GPE) means the single point where Government business opportunities greater than $25,000, including synopses of proposed contract actions, solicitations, and associated information, can be accessed electronically by the public. 3502(8) used or operated by a Federal agency, or a contractor or other organization on behalf of the agency ( 44 U.S.C. This may include the use of systematic examinations and assessments, bio surveillance, sensor technologies, or physical investigation and intelligence. %%EOF Protection Protection Framework houses "capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters" Mitigation . This includes electronic symbols. Special tooling does not include material, special test equipment, real property, equipment, machine tools, or similar capital items. Such a concern is not dominant in its field of operation when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on a national basis in a kind of business activity in which a number of business concerns are primarily engaged. Termination for default means the exercise of the Governments right to completely or partially terminate a contract because of the contractors actual or anticipated failure to perform its contractual obligations. B. chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction) ( 41 U.S.C. WebMission areas are groups of core capabilities, including Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery. Contracting includes description (but not determination) of supplies and services required, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contracts, and all phases of contract administration. Forward pricing rate recommendation means a rate set unilaterally by the administrative contracting officer for use by the Government in negotiations or other contract actions when forward pricing rate agreement negotiations have not been completed or when the contractor will not agree to a forward pricing rate agreement. (For other types of F.o.b., see 47.303). The capacities to halt or prevent the threats and violent acts of terrorism are essentially the focus of the protection mission area. Unallowable cost means any cost that, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is allocable. Simplified acquisition procedures means the methods prescribed in part 13 for making purchases of supplies or services. What Is The Definition For The Protection Mission Area chapter 83, Buy American; or. 1102, means. The Mission Assurance Strategy also accounts for the full range of It is focused on actions to protect the citizens, residents, visitors, and. What Is The Definition For The Protection Mission Area Collapse All Sections Introduction Substantial evidence means information sufficient to support the reasonable belief that a particular act or omission has occurred. (6) Cost or price evaluations of proposals. (12) For use in subpart 47.4, see the definition at 47.401. Solicitation provision or provision means a term or condition used only in solicitations and applying only before contract award. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area chapter 31, subchapter IV, Wage Rate Requirements (Construction), $2,000; (2) For acquisitions of services subject to 41 U.S.C. (2) Affiliates, as used in this definition, means business concerns, one of whom directly or indirectly controls or has the power to control the others, or a third party or parties control or have the power to control the others. A. Biobased product means a product determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be a commercial product or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products, including renewable domestic agricultural materials and forestry materials. The GPE is located at https://www.sam.gov. (3) Engineering and technical services, i.e., contractual services used to support the program office during the acquisition cycle by providing such services as systems engineering and technical direction (see 9.505-1(b)) to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of a weapon system or major system as defined in OMB Circular No.A-109 or to provide direct support of a weapon system that is essential to research, development, production, operation or maintenance of the system. Surety means an individual or corporation legally liable for the debt, default, or failure of a principal to satisfy a contractual obligation. The submission may be converted to a claim, by written notice to the contracting officer as provided in 33.206(a), if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. (9) For use in part 23, see definition at 23.001. KevinWagner. Commercial computer software means any computer software that is a commercial product or commercial service. Contingency operation ( 10 U.S.C.101(a)(13)) means a military operation that-, (1) Is designated by the Secretary of Defense as an operation in which members of the armed forces are or may become involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the United States or against an opposing military force; or. . "Protection" Mission Area: Protection includes capabilities to safeguard the homeland against acts of terrorism and manmade or natural disasters. Mission Assurance Proper invoice means an invoice that meets the minimum standards specified in 32.905(b). The term does not include computer software. Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide-. B. Quia Chief Acquisition Officer means an executive level acquisition official responsible for agency performance of acquisition activities and acquisition programs created pursuant to 41 U.S.C. Neither the financial institution nor the offeror/contractor can revoke or condition the letter of credit. Construction does not include the manufacture, production, furnishing, construction, alteration, repair, processing, or assembling of vessels, aircraft, or other kinds of personal property (except that for use in subpart 22.5, see the definition at 22.502). (3)A service referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition, even though the service is transferred between or among separate divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of a contractor. There is no exception to joint venture size affiliation for offers received from teaming arrangements under the Department of Defense Pilot Mentor-Protg Program; and. chapter 75, Requirements for Single Audits; an internal institutional risk assessment; or State law. Classified contract means any contract in which the contractor or its employees must have access to classified information during contract performance. Organizational conflict of interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the persons objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. Executive agency means an executive department, a military department, or any independent establishment within the meaning of 5 U.S.C.101, 102, and 104(1), respectively, and any wholly owned Government corporation within the meaning of 31 U.S.C.9101. Overtime premium means the difference between the contractors regular rate of pay to an employee for the shift involved and the higher rate paid for overtime. The term "response" as used in the National Response Framework includes: Actions to save lives, protect property and the environment, stabilize A. 1067k), including a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education, as defined in Section 502(a) of the Act ( 20 U.S.C. About IUCN | IUCN The Goal groups the capabilities across the relevant five mission areas. The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. A. Effective date of termination means the date on which the notice of termination requires the contractor to stop performance under the contract. The Mission Assurance Strategy also accounts for the full range of The term includes only that information needed to evaluate the acceptability of the product and excludes other information for operating or maintaining the product. = 2 1/4. Ensure the capacity for timely communications in support of security, situational awareness, and operations by any and all means available, among and between affected communities in the impact area and all response forces. Five Missions of Emergency Preparedness User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Tiered Response can best be described as: Incidents are generally handled at the lowest jurisdictional level. Multiple-award contract means a contract that is. The data may also include, for example, sales data and any information reasonably required to explain the offerors estimating process, including, but not limited to-, (1) The judgmental factors applied and the mathematical or other methods used in the estimate, including those used in projecting from known data; and. Contiguous United States (CONUS) means the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. However, the words no person may mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described. Change order means a written order, signed by the contracting officer, directing the contractor to make a change that the Changes clause authorizes the contracting officer to order without the contractors consent. Qualified products list (QPL) means a list of products that have been examined, tested, and have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements. (B) Sets forth the different responsibilities, roles, and percentages (or other allocations) of work as it relates to the acquisition; (i) For civilian agencies, may include two business concerns in a mentor-protg relationship when both the mentor and the protg are small or the protg is small and the concerns have received an exception to affiliation pursuant to 13 CFR 121.103(h)(3)(ii) or (iii). Small disadvantaged business concern consistent with 13 CFR 124.1002, means a small business concern under the size standard applicable to the acquisition, that: (1) Is at least 51 percent unconditionally and directly owned (as defined at 13 CFR 124.105) by, (i) One or more socially disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.103) and economically disadvantaged (as defined at 13 CFR 124.104) individuals who are citizens of the United States; and, (ii) Each individual claiming economic disadvantage has a net worth not exceeding $750,000 after taking into account the applicable exclusions set forth at 13 CFR 124.104(c)(2); and. (2) A corporate surety is licensed under various insurance laws and, under its charter, has legal power to act as surety for others. National Preparedness Goal Technical data means recorded information (regardless of the form or method of the recording) of a scientific or technical nature (including computer databases and computer software documentation). Avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. Luckily We Only Formulate Within The Spf Sweet Spot Spf Enough Is Enough Protection, Fupa Meaning What Does Fupa Stand For With Useful Conversations 7esl Meant To Be Fupa Other Ways To Say, 14 Change Management Models Business Diagram Slides Powerpoint Template In 2022 Change Management Models Change Management Management, What it is supposed to do is defined in terms of public cod, The airline offers 400 destinations both local and internat, Langkah pertama rebus 5 15 liter air masukan susu dan aduk , Nah supaya kaldu udang tersebut tak berbau amis yuk ikuti t, Appropriately what is the collective noun for giraffes. Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program. (2) Set-aside awards based on competition restricted to HUBZone small business concerns. The term includes recorded information of a scientific or technical nature that is included in computer databases (see 41 U.S.C. 1702(c) who is responsible for management direction of the acquisition system of the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the executive agency. D. Secure the homeland against terrorism and man made or natural disasters. B. ; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster ( 42 U.S.C. (2) An identifier assigned by a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to entities located outside the United States and its outlying areas that the DLA Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Branch records and maintains in the CAGE master file. WebDefinition of Mission Area: Mitigation includes those capabilities necessary to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. First article means a preproduction model, initial production sample, test sample, first lot, pilot lot, or pilot models. Assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively. Novation agreement means a legal instrument-, (ii) Successor in interest (transferee); and. This term is used in conjunction with a physical point to determine-, (1) The responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges; and. What is the definition for the "Protection" mission area Mission Areas and Core Capabilities (1) Previously unused raw material, including previously unused copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, iron, other metal or metal ore; or. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Renewable energy means energy produced by solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, ocean (including tidal, wave, current, and thermal), municipal solid waste, or new hydroelectric generation capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new capacity at an existing hydroelectric project (Energy Policy Act of 2005, 42 U.S.C. Build and sustain resilient systems, communities, and critical infrastructure and key resources lifelines so as to reduce their vulnerability to natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards by lessening the likelihood, severity, and duration of the adverse consequences. 5122). (2) Restrict in any way a contracting officer in the performance of any duty properly assigned. (3) Women-owned small business (WOSB) concern eligible under the WOSB Program means a small business concern that is at least 51 percent directly and unconditionally owned by, and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by, one or more women who are citizens of the United States (13 CFR part 127). 2292 et seq. Performance-based acquisition (PBA) means an acquisition structured around the results to be achieved as opposed to the manner by which the work is to be performed. The five mission areas include: Five Missions of Emergency Preparedness Special test equipment means either single or multipurpose integrated test units engineered, designed, fabricated, or modified to accomplish special purpose testing in performing a contract.
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