In the US filing, they claim that Marine Band had been in continuous use since January 30th, 1896. Hohner from the 19 to the late 19 also produced the Polyphonia No. $12.00. Here is an example: Later versions of that trademark omit the star. This next instrument came with a booklet in its case that was dated 1905 and the design of the label inside the lid of the case was trademarked in 1907 (DRWZ 101069). The price is about 35-40$ which is the most common price range for good harmonicas for everybody from straight up first-time harmonica players to professionals that record with it and play live. On the Harp-L forum, Joe Broecker explains the current code stamp on the Hohner MS series diatonic harmonica reed plates. Better quality and sound projection make it a favorite of many bluesmen. Hohner 1896 Marine Band Natural Minor Harmonica. The box is only slightly changed from earlier versions. The reeds are all brass, and there are 20 of them. Required fields are marked *. Categories: Diatonic Harmonica, Harmonicas, Hohner, Manufacturer, Tags: 1896 classic, Diatonic, Harmonica, Hohner, Marine Band. The best thing if you wish to get a good price for it, is to list it on somewhere like eBay with some good photographs and a clear description of it, particularly of any writing that may appear on the harmonica or its box - then cross your fingers and wait for the bidding to start. Thats why its one of my top recommended harps, along with Lee Oskar, as you can see in my article Which Harmonica to Buy for Beginners. Things changed even more by the time of our next example, which dates from around 1923: The covers on this one are made from nickel plated mild steel and now Herr Hohner appears on the upper cover and the trademark on the lower cover. To see a couple of great alternatives, check out my Lee Oskar Review and/or my Hohner Golden Melody Review. The Hohner Special 20 is so responsive and so easy to bend, its comfy on the lips, and its got a nice, dark bluesy tone. Even though many of them were quickly consigned to the garbage by parents with headaches, there are still a lot of them out there in boxes of unwanted toys, belongings of deceased relatives, junk stores and so on. However, it is impossible to make an fair estimate of the value of an instrument without seeing it. Looking for an amazing bang-for buck harp? Hohner Progressive Series Harmonicas Which One Should I Buy? I have a couple of them and it was my first real harmonica which drew me into this world so I hold massive respect for this instrument. We apologize for the interruption. I spotted an old F. A. Bohm tremolo harmonica lying on one of the tables and tried to suppress my look of interest as I approached it. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. My draw notes seemed to have got stuck, so I cleaned them with witch hazel (maybe surgical spirit would do, or lemon juice, but we have run out of lemons) and lifted each gently with the Honner tools to ensure they were moving freely up and down in the reed plate. One is the Centennial Edition Marine Band which, as it's name suggests, was introduced in 1996 to mark the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the Marine Band harmonica. Every time I play one of these, Im always like, wow, I forgot how awesome Special 20s are! Ive never heard of anyone purchasing a Special 20 and being unhappy with it. How Old Is My Hohner Marine Band Harmonica. The address of Hicksville NY on this box dates it to some time after 1960 (Hohner US being based at Hicksville from 1960 to 1982). This is the quintessential blues harmonica from the Chicago Blues Era. The details might be a little too subtle to make out in the above pictures, but the designs have all been very slightly shrunk horizontally and very slightly stretched vertically. The upper tabs now bear the key of the harp at the right and A440 at the left. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Vintage C.A. A Hohner catalog from 1902 shows the 1896 model with the name Marine Band and the familiar picture of Matthias Hohner on the cover, also with the words PATENT APPLIED FOR, even though the accompanying caption clearly states Patented August 24th 1897: For what it is worth, the name Marine Band was registered with the German Trademark Office as DRWZ 14708 in 1896 (the application was made January 30th and granted March 13th) and with the United States Patent and Trademark Office as Trade-Mark 28,228 (application filed March 21st and granted May 5th). Shortly after then, the "A440" was dropped and other small changes made to the designs on the cover. If you're looking to emulate that old "woody" tone authentically at any cost, then look no further! Check out my in-depth Hohner Crossover review. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Full Disclosure: Not All Hohner Harmonicas Are Created Equal! The harp also has a much slimmer profile top to bottom than previous versions. Required fields are marked *. Money no object? 18.80 postage. Almost unchanged since it was patented in 1896, the instrument embodies the real deep blues like no other and is the benchmark against which all others are judged. I imagine that's an inventory number. I play it in its Richter tuning and Natural Minor tuning and it is fantastics, Your email address will not be published. I have also heard it suggested the number of points on the star represented the number of sons that Matthias had. My Vintage harmonicas are stock that i find that have had little or no use. A wire brush may score the reeds or comb. Chromonica 260 Reed Plate Set Key C Major. 1896 Harmonica Made in Germany by M. Hohner with Box. Hohner Marine Band Crossover Harmonica $ 105.00 - $ 110.00 Select options; Hohner Marine Band Thunderbird $ 180.00 - $ 192.00 Select options; Related products. Do this on both sides. Your email address will not be published. Hohner registered the name Up To Date as DRWZ 16213 later that same year (application made March 38th, granted May 5th) and trademarked the number 1896 with the USPTO in 1902 (Trade-Mark 38,458, filed May 16th, granted June 17th). In my opinion, the Fender Blues Deluxe is a better purchase in the budget harmonica category, even though its a few bucks more. After pressing the pin/rivet through, set the bottom side of the pin on an anvil (any raised piece of metal like a meat tenderizer or side of some pliers). It could also be interesting for someone like me who has been playing harmonica for decades, and enjoys the challenge of a new tuning to explore. The bottom of the box and the inside of the lid are also different. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. And just like automobiles and watches, when it comes to harmonicas, Germany is synonymous with quality as well. Chromonica is a term that Hohner uses for several different ones. Hohner Blues Harp Harmonica Review + Video: Bold & Powerful, Hohner Pro Harp Review: the Black & Gold Brother of the Fantastic Blues Harp, Harmonicas: 13 Super-Fun Facts You Never Knew About Them, Join 4700+ Successful Harmonica Jamz students - Play any Song and Jam with Other Musicians. Best Beginner Harmonica Which Harmonica Is The Best For Beginners? In the last few years, I traveled through four continents while performing and teaching music, and I also run the blog - one of the world's top five most-read guitar blogs. 4/5 Stars. (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); It's like trying to cook eggs without breaking them. Check out my free beginners kick-start course. The Harmonica Company is the trading name of The Harmonica World Ltd. If you're into jazz, gospel, or bluegrass, I highly recommend that you consider this harp. You can order from his website custom combs for Hohner chromatic harmonicas, ask for restoration and various repair services. 1881 Harmonica, Key Of G, Made In Germany. How do you tell if your harmonica is especially collectible? Many harmonica makers avoid G sharp, which makes these harder to find (and drives the cost up). Up until the mid 1970s, the Marine Band was not officially distributed outside of the US, but upon being given worldwide distribution, the US address was removed from the lower label and the purchaser was advised "Ask your dealer or Hohner distributor". The Hohner Marine Band 1896 classic harmonica is the original blues harp. Made in Germany on a wood comb, most blues and rock artists play a Marine Band. How is Jesus " " (Luke 1:32 NAS28) different from a prophet (, Luke 1:76 NAS28)? Just bear in mind that youll have to sacrifice the comfort that other modern alternatives can provide. On very rare occasions, even something which looks to most people like any other old harmonica may be a highly sought after model and a harmonica collector might be eager to take if off your hands. Blues harp - not a bad harp. If you don't take the cover, you can't clean it properly. One thing that can really boost the value of an otherwise ordinary harmonica is if it has been used by someone famous. Even some fairly common harmonicas may be considered collectible by some people. I absolutely LOVE the Golden Melody. and GESCH. Why does classical music sound out of tune on a Hohner Marine Band Deluxe Harmonica? (The 270 has always been straight tuned.). There may be more subtle changes in construction that could further date a harmonica (such as the rounded rivet heads on prewar 64s) but that stuff is beyond my expertise. The significance of the six-pointed star has been the subject of much debate. $12.00. It has been suggested that it was a Star of David and that it was removed because of the Nazis. Tech Specs Scale: Diatonic Blues Key: C Hohner Silver Concerto Chromatic Harmonica. If you can afford it, Id recommend springing for it. For more info check out my full review of the Marine Band 1896. Unlike the 1896, the 364 is easy to take apart and adjust. Required fields are marked *. These have a clear finish, rather than the traditional yellow/orange paint on the front and black paint on the ends and rear of the comb. I resisted. My preference. Check your inbox in the next minute or two for your first lesson. This is a diatonic harmonica that works well for beginners and is one of the best selling harmonicas that the Hohner company has to offer. During the mid-1960s through some time in the 1970s, they had soft wraparound plastic pouches, green for the 270 and brown for the 280. Here is your shopping list from this excerpt from my Fender Blues Deluxe Review. The chord harmonica is used to provide chordal and rhythmic backing in an ensemble, much as rhythm guitar might do. Sold out. The MS covers have integral cover supports at the rear and the upper cover clearly says MARINE BAND MS: The MS Series as a whole went through various charges during the 1990s. The answer, of course, is for comfort! Look at the openings inside the round holes, with the slide in the out position (i.e., not pressed in). The covers now have a substantial lip at the rear opening and the cutouts at the end of each cover are slightly smaller. It's like trying to cook eggs without breaking them. Photo courtesy of Listed: 3 years ago Views: 227 Watchers: 1 About This Listing The Marine Band is the standard. Either way, you want a pin/rivet with a head on one side, and about 1mm or 1/16th inch sticking through the other side of the harmonica. This harmonica is probably from the 30's & includes original box Features: Key of C. Harp Dude Handmade fully stabilised Australian Spalted Burl hardwood comb In the late 1980s, a plastic box was introduced: In the early 1990s, the design on the lid was enlarged: Also the word HANDMADE was stamped on the front of the box for a short time, to distinguish this model from the MS Marine Band being marketed at the time: Around this same time, Hohner started adding the barcode label to the bottom of the box (the ZA5 on this label dates it to around 1995, the year that the ZA5 reed alloy was introduced): The Marine Band itself went pretty much unchanged between the end of WWII and the end of the 20th century, at least as for as its visual appearance was concerned, with some very slight changes to the picture of Herr Hohner and the size of the lettering on the top cover. This harmonica has a light brown and black stained wooden comb with metal cover plates screwed to top and bottom. Compare. The Golden Melody is the most comfortable of all the Hohner line, has the darkest tone, and is the only harmonica tuned to Equal Temperament instead of Just Intonation, which means it's especially good for playing single notes in tune. Our collection database is a work in progress. Vintage HOHNER Tombo PeeWee Harmonica Collection Lee Oskar Marine Band Golden Melody Old Standby Professional 2016 1. Just a Q-Tip moistened with water or ispropyl alcohol. Help Privacy If you have a question relating to the museum's collections, please first check our Collections FAQ. It is probable that you found this page with a search engine, as you sit at your computer with an old harmonica in your lap, curious as to how much it is worth. Just as well, my Marine Band combs would have suffered. Hohner Marine Band 1896 Harmonica is the number one choice of top professionals. One thing that can really boost the value of an otherwise ordinary harmonica is if it has been used by someone famous. Check out my in-depth Hohner Crossover review. Hohner Marine Band Deluxe Hohner harmonica, upgraded version of the Marine Band Description Product Details Comments Respect the Roots - State of the Art! T&C Her willingness to let me blow into it suggested that maybe many other lips had been on its mouthpiece that same day, so I declined, at which point she said "It's perfectly OK - I've given it a good cleaning" and she put the harp in her mouth and proceeded to blow and draw with great enthusiasm. Improved cover design gives greater volume and stability while preventing reed rattle. Here's a folder containing all the photos that you may want to see. Cookies Next, whether it's a solid pin or hollow tube, tap it in the center with a center punch or large nail. Should you wish to replace reed plates on the Marine Band Classic, we recommend upgrading to the Andrew Zajac Marine Band Conversion Kit, which replaces the stock nails with a bolted setup, and makes the process of changing reed plates significantly easier. Thanks for contributing an answer to Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange! (function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Sweetwater Savings: $ 30 .01 MSRP: $ 115 .00. Heres my Hohner Marine Band 1896 full review. Accessioned with original cardboard box. Rivets are hollow-tube pins. Not the case today. Newer revisited version of the classic Marine Band 1896. These do not give you any indication of the instrument's age; they are merely the dates various trade awards were given. The Hohner Old Standby Harmonica will get through, whether 're riding high, singing the blues, or just waiting on a train. I do not want to have to be a mechanic to play a harp. Its uniquely authentic sound has defined the role of the harmonica in the blues and folk genres and made it the benchmark by which all others are judged. To get the best out of our site and for it to function correct, please read, accept and understand our 'Cookies Policy'. Marine Band Crossover Harmonica - Key of C. Marine Band Crossover Diatonic Harmonica - Key of C. 10 reviews Write your review Item ID: MarineCrossC. Harmonica Construction and its Effects on Sound and Feel. . 3. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Earlier 270s had a red cardboard box with fancy texturing, while the 280 had a hard red box (1950s) and earlier had a round-top wooden box with fake texture finish and yelow lining. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. More on the way soon. One change that is easier to spot is the number of nails used to secure the lower reedplate. Youll get 3 free video lessons where youll learn. Sold out. In fact, one of the main reasons that Hohner developed their Special 20 and Crossover model harmonicas was to address the comfort issue. Constitution Avenue, NW The dates are not that helpful at all, except that a harp with an award dated 1937 is unlikely to have been made before 1937! The wooden comb, and the edge of the reedplate that is exposed between the coverplates and the comb, both help to make this harmonica very rough on the lips when played for long periods of time. Seller 99.6% positive. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. VAT Number: GB287764345. Also the Seydel 1847 models are a bit larger than the Hohner Marine Band harps. Legendary Hohner Marine Band Harp. There are many other small variations in the Hohner trademark that may help give a rough approximation of the manufacturing date, but they are a little beyond the scope of this article. The only reason I doc it one star is that I wish it had better key labels. $25.00 + $5.85 shipping. If you are really wanting to learn the harmonica, I DO NOT recommend that you purchase the Pentaharp because it is SO DIFFERENT from a regular harmonica. Ending Today at 17:11 EST 12h 5m. There are some slight differences in the engraving and the design of the hands in the trademark is considerably different and all the medals now have doubled circles around them. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Lets find out together. I've never had one and was looking on the market for one but I'm having second thoughts. Hope this helps. Our next example is from the early 1930s: The covers are similar to the previous one, but for the trademark now has a larger star once more, much shorter cuffs and all the medals back to having doubled circles again. 20K subscribers HOHNER Marine Band When Jacob HOHNER registered his new harmonica design at the US Patent Office on January 30th, 1896, he did not understand the impact it was to have on. Very responsive. Vintage Marine Band No. If it don't have little screws, don't take it apart, leave it alone. Nevertheless, it is THE CLASSIC harmonica. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Registered Company 10370912. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for VINTAGE M HOHNER ECHO 54/64 HARMONICA C G MADE IN GERMANY NEW OLD STOCK at the best online prices at eBay! Get the full low down on the Hohner Special 20. If you have a very good condition old Hohner Marine Band, or 64 Chromonica, then there could be a player prepared to pay a reasonable price for it. This was part of Hohner Modular Series that came out in the late 1980s and whose original concept was to replace the hand made models with instruments made on a computer-controlled assembly line. It is very easy to tell the Marine Band MS from the Classic/Handmade version. Old herings super 20 were like that too, using rivets. There are some models of Hohner harmonicas that I do NOT recommend getting. used on every other Marine Band I have seen. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Hohner's Marine Band 1896 is the archetypal blues harmonica. $4.99 shipping. Improved cover design gives greater volume and stability while preventing reed rattle. Many brands of harmonica have little medals engraved on the covers with various dates on them. If you think you've found a valuable old treasure in the attic, it's likely that you are going to be disappointed. Hohner 590 Big River MS-Series . I had a lot of them and you can just take them out and back without any problem several times. Both our time is valuable. A few words of advice. 1 bid. First launched in 1896, this model has been regularly played on stage by probably every famous harmonica player you can think of from Bob Dylan to Neil Young to Adam Gussow to Howard Levy. Dont worry, Im here to help. One fairly reliable way get some idea of the age of certain Hohner models is by the trademark on the cover. Compare. How do I disassemble a slide whistle in order to clean it? However, it is by no means safe to assume that an instrument bearing a trademark with fewer points to the star is older than one bearing a trademark with more points to the star. The brass reeds and wood comb give it that beautiful woody tone that, in my opinion, just cant be beat. During the mid-1960s through some time in the 1970s, they had soft wraparound plastic pouches, green for the 270 and brown for the 280. Hohner 1896 Marine Band Harmonica Key of B (NO BOX) $39.99 10% Off $35.99 Used - Mint Free Shipping Hohner 1896BX-FSHRP Marine Band 1896 Classic Harmonica - Key of C $45.50 Brand New Free Shipping Hohner 1896BX-A Marine Band 1896 Classic Harmonica - Key of A (Small Business) $46.99 Brand New Free Shipping dodea teaching jobs overseas,
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