who is running for lieutenant governor

.census-table-header { width: 50%; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { font-size: 12px; I am hopeful more nonpartisan candidates will run for office. I also hope that more people with a wide range of experiences, including some that might not be so pleasant, will stand for election. They dont approve of the fact that Fetterman has opposed a ban on fracking and has a mixed opinion of the Green New Deal. background-color: #D9D9D9; It was all born out of that random lottery of birth, Fetterman says. "Everybody's worried about the fact that things are getting so expensive. The Working Families Party, a leading national progressive group, endorsed Kenyatta the day he announceda major blow to Fetterman, who is also running as a left-leaning Democrat but is better-known and more experienced than Kenyatta. .votebox-scroll-container { Tony Evers transition team in 2018, said the governor needs a partner with executive experience who will "listen to the people. The third time I worked as a dishwasher was in 2007 - a week after I graduated with my Master's I was desperate for a job. "I believe that I'm ready to serve with the next Republican governor to cut the size, the costs, taxes and regulation of state government, to end taxation of retirement income and to get tough on crime," he said in the debate. Public policy, Communications: Alison Graves Carley Allensworth Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Caitlin Vanden Boom If youre talking about moving people out of poverty, recreational marijuana, these are things that require people to know people to figure out how to get it done, he says. .inner_percentage { vertical-align: top; Fetterman, for his part, dismisses the idea that he doesnt have quality relationships with liberal organizations. Incumbent Lisa Cano Burkhead defeated Debra March, Kimi Cole, and Eva Chase in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada on June 14, 2022. As a teenager, he describes himself as a football-playing meathead. His family members were all Republicans, so he was a conservative too, though not in an aggressive or angry way.. ", "We can talk about tax reform, education reform, a whole host of things that we can get done," he said in the debate. Its very much like Mitch McConnells commitment to Obama, that I want to make him a one-term mayor and shut him down., Fettermans team points to an endorsement by Braddocks now-council president, Rob Parker, and Council member Dee Scales as proof of his current support among elected officials at home. To Fettermans fans, this is proof of what Fetterman can do by being unafraid to clash with memberseven sacred cowsin his own party. } It asked about President Donald Trump, not President Biden, and legislation sponsored by members who are no longer in Congress. Antonio Delgado appointed by Gov. background-color: #dac113; .answers-container { font-size: 1.25em; border-radius: 50%; left: 0px; 2023 www.swtimes.com. vertical-align: middle; U.S. Congress | Elected officials matter more with their endorsements the less people can find out about the candidates.. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. As of Feb. 10, 2021, no Democrats have announced a bid for lieutenant governor. To Williams, Fettermans lack of a bedside manner poses a governing challenge. font-style: italic; He believes some people have been using the pandemic as a way to push their agendas and ideologies on others. text-align: center; background-color: #f0a236; The candidate wrote the foreword to Americas 20/20 Vision: The Plan and authored two childrens books, "Saving Joey" and "Adopting Joey," based on his true-life story. There has been no public polling yet in the primary, so its impossible to know how Fetterman is performing across different demographics. top: -1px; .votebox-scroll-container { IE 11 is not supported. It prohibits abortions when the physician can detect a heartbeat using ultrasound at 12 weeks unless exceptions are met. } Thats why I decided to run. } color:white;

. }) .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { When he ran for Senate in the 2016 primary, he came in third place. .votebox-scroll-container { The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada on June 14, 2022. This number is an estimate and is based on several different factors, including information on the number of votes cast early as well as information provided to our vote reporters on Election Day from county election officials. Pressed for specifics, he says: The Innocence Project. State executives | My role has been to improve infrastructure, educate, and empower employees and ensure public safety and security through budget reductions, driving efficiencies, and a focus on building our future, Wood explained. But Fetterman had a story: A man who could pass for a Hells Angel and had a Harvard degree was revitalizing a place that epitomized the rise and fall of Americas steel industrybuilding a community center, renovating crumbling properties, talking about using art to combat the dark side of capitalism. Within a few years, he appeared in the Atlantics 25 Brave Thinkers issue and was invited to speak at the Aspen Ideas Festival. .race_header.democratic { I always say that John had a narrative that sold, be it whatever mayHarvard grad, white guy comes to Braddock, she says. margin-bottom:16px; background-color: #6db24f; overflow-y: hidden; } width: 100% !important; As of November 2022, Nevada was a Democratic trifecta, with majorities in both chambers of the state legislature and control of the governorship. Cities | height: 56px; But some Fetterman supporters dont think the Working Families Party gave him or other potential candidates a fair shake: While officially considering an endorsement, the group sent likely candidates a questionnaire from a past election cycle that was littered with irrelevant comments about Trump, according to a copy obtained by POLITICO. He holds the record as the longest-serving Republican state party chairman in Arkansas and in the country, according to the Arkansas Attorney General's office. Ballotpedia asks all federal, state, and local candidates to complete a survey and share what motivates them on political and personal levels. .outer_percentage { Hunt, a Charlotte Democrat, said she's running for lieutenant governor to bring "honor and integrity back to the office since current Republican Lt. Gov. Despite being a separately elected position, the role has often been seen as ceremonial someone who travels the state to cut ribbons and meet with local representatives. But some say Fettermans different pathhis unapologetic white-guy-in-cargo-shorts vibeis all wrong for Democrats, especially in the post-Trump era. .panel-body { To make up for lost revenue, he believes putting a sales tax on alcohol could bring in an influx of cash. Incumbent Democratic Lieutenant Governor

   .placeholder {} 	} 	} After years in the spotlight, though, Fetterman remains unwilling, or perhaps unable, to play the part of a traditional politician. Candidates include 2 current state senators, a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly and the former mayor of Lancaster. 	} It was the worst thing Ive ever done. 		font-size: 12px; 		text-align: left; Yudes said hes pro-life and supports criminally charging those who discard unimplanted embryos from IVF. Antonio Delgado, Ana Maria Archila, and Diana Reyna are running for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor of New York. 		border-radius: 50%;  She ran for office to the Chicago City Council in the citys 28 th Ward in 2019. Cyberbullying is on the rise, and girls report 3 times more harassment than boys, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. }); In 2005, he received the Teacher of the Year award from the Johns Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine. Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, 51, stands for a portrait in his office in the State Capitol in Harrisburg, Pa., on March 3, 2021. Some of Fettermans opponents in the primary are already sensing an opportunity here, particularly Kenyatta, who is, like Fetterman, campaigning as a progressiveas well as someone who, as a young, gay, Black man, would make history if elected. He said he decided to run because Wisconsin is "on the wrong track.". Governor Attorney General Controller Secretary of State Treasurer Insurance  .image-candidate-thumbnail { 	} Fettermans white guy working-class appeal, they say, is outdated for a party that should be committed to addressing structural racism. Wolf and Fettermans teams both say they have a good relationship. 		padding-left: 16px; VoterInfobyState_Toggle = true; Top: A sign in downtown Braddock, Pa., welcomes visitors. Its why he was reelected mayor of majority-Black Braddock by huge margins each time. 		display: table; In 2018, he was elected lieutenant governor of the state, on a ticket with Gov. 		color: #6db24f; 	.results_row td { 		letter-spacing: 0.03em; 	.outer_percentage {  	.inner_percentage.Democratic { Hunt, a Charlotte Democrat, said she's running for lieutenant governor to bring "honor and integrity back to the office since current Republican Lt. Gov. 		background-color: #db0000; They became model prisoners, creating programs to help other inmates. 		background-color: #db0000; Cuomo won but Koch's lieutenant governor pick beat out Cuomo's by a 3-to-2 margin.  		margin-bottom: -2px !important; "Disturbing the Peace" (1991) by Vaclav Havel speaks well about the moral authority of government and how people can make a change. 		background: #4c4c4c;        padding: 0.5em 1em; Many of the lifers are men who insist upon their innocence and have been model prisoners, or have faced what criminal justice advocates see as excessive sentencing. WebLieutenant Governor Nuez is a proud graduate of Florida International University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Political Science and a  } 		font-weight: 300; .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;}    } 	.results_table { 		background-color: #6db24f; He believes the state should not be in the retail business of alcohol, and should make its Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores a private enterprise. I own one suit, and its over your right shoulder. 	.race_header.libertarian { 		display: inline-block; We have to address the wealth gap. "And you will never get anybody from the community to want to be a police officer until that relationship is fixed. As president of the Nevada Senate, the Lieutenant Governor may only vote to break a tie. 	} padding-left: 20px !important; padding-right: 62px; VoterInfobyState_Timeout_jquery = setTimeout(widget_load_check_jquery, 500); 	.non_result_row div { if ($(this).next('.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { They argue hes a loner who doesnt spend any time trying to build alliances with other polsand that as a result hell be less effective in office. 		background-color: green; if ($(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { Fetterman, in turn, saw many of the towns politicians as being in it for themselves. Doyle Webb announced his run for Arkansas lieutenant governor in early May. 		display: table;        text-align: center !important; Lead in tourism, transportation, small business advocacy, homeland security. 	.inner_percentage.Democratic { (Fetterman didnt return it.) 	.race_header.republican { State Rep. Summer Lee, vice chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, grew up in North Braddock and says she regularly walks by Fetterman on a local trail. He grew up in Central Pennsylvanias York County, the son of an affluent insurance firm partner. 	 "Star Wars Episodes 1 - 3":  Take away the special effects, and focus on the political maneuvering of "Chancellor Palpatine" to see how a democratic republic turns into an authoritarian empire. 	} })(); Kate Marshall  defeated Michael Roberson, Janine Hansen, and Ed Uehling in the  general election for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada on November 6, 2018. 		color: #0645ad; Texas held an election for lieutenant governor on November 8, 2022. } else { I believe in the issues. 		display: inline;  	} Even for Fetterman, its a strikingly unvarnished comment for a politician running for office in a battleground state. 		text-align: center; 		color: #fff; function widget_load_check_jquery() { In an echo of complaints aired about Fetterman in Braddock, Williams says the lieutenant governor sometimes didnt show up to Harrisburg to preside over the Senate at the beginning of the pandemic. But the brothers are confident that will change once they hear his message: Once they hear what he stands for, he will line up with everything they stand for, says Dennis. Garland, an ex-gang member who now works with at-risk youth as an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, asks Fetterman, How can I help you to keep this moving?, Fetterman tells him: Whoever youre mentoring, whoever youre talking toget their shit in yesterday.        border-top: 1px solid #ccc; A multi-candidate field is taking shape ahead of the June primary election. 		position: absolute; Rapertand his wifeLaurieattended the University of Central Arkansas at Conway. Already, hes butting up against fierce resistance from a wide array of party leaders. 	.votebox-results-cell--check { 	.election_results_text { "Whether that's a woman's right to choose, environmental issues  fully funding our public schools," she said. 		color: #0645ad; ", Current State Sen. Roger Roth, who represents the 19th District and serves as a military officer in the Wisconsin Air National Guard, said hes running because "Wisconsin cannot afford four more years of Tony Evers. 		background-color: #dac113; 	.results_row { He can be reached at nvercilla@gannett.com. A stickered laptop at the Fettermans' home. Boeing employee bought lottery ticket because it was at $747M, a nod to the aircraft. LOL, he says. 		} 		background-color: #6db24f; Lieutenant Governor. Dan Forest Hunt, a Charlotte Democrat, said she's running for lieutenant governor to bring "honor and integrity back to the office since current Republican Lt. Gov. 	.inner_percentage.CrossFiled { 	.votebox-results-cell--check { $("div.vis_widget_title").each(function(index) { 		padding-bottom: 3px; All officers are elected independently. 				overflow-y: auto; 	.race_header.green { 		margin-bottom: .75em; 		top: 0px; State and local courts | Reyna has been in public service for 22 years.    .census-table-race-disclaimer { Eventually, he found himself in Braddock, where he was hired to run a GED program. Tennessee becomes first state to ban drag shows on public property, Amazon delays construction on second phase of HQ2 in Arlington, Coney Island casino and resort: First look at name, renderings, I didnt realize: Woman mistakenly eats heart-shaped chip that could have won her 100K, Disneyland banned Rebel Wilson over selfie, actress says. And Ive run as a progressive before it was cool to do so, he says. Tom Wolf, in a landslide. Organizers at Reclaim Philadelphia, a city-based chapter of the progressive group Our Revolution that has played a key role in electing several left-wing state legislators, say Fetterman hasnt contacted them this cycle. Werner is state ambassador of the conservative public policy organization, the Frederick Douglass Foundation. They were right, it was a lot of work. If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required? 		line-height: 1.5em;  				max-height: 580px; Fettermans record backs this up. .answers-container { I came here just to work., Says Doose, It was not like he came and this was a two-, three-year-stint. He took that mission personally, too. 		z-index:1; Timothy McMaster was approved to run for Lieutenant Governor as a Libertarian with Matt Hackenburg. In at least one instance, he was right: Jones later pled guilty to stealing roughly $170,000 from Braddock. width: 65px; At a shoot at his home in Braddock, Pennsylvaniaa converted car dealership full of salvaged treasures that looks like something out of Architectural Digesthes not trying to hide his grumpiness even a little bit. There is one slight variation in his usual uniform: Hes wearing jeans, not cargo shorts, at the behest of an aide, ostensibly for the photo shoot. High-ranking Democratic members of both the state House and Senate say he never reached out to them to build a rapport. 		padding-top: 3px; It is one of the most restrictive anti-abortion laws in the United States, according to Rapert's biography at the Arkansas Legislature website. Stavros Anthony  won election  in the  general election for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada. 		left: 0px; 		margin-right: 12px;  		height: 50px; 	.votebox-results-cell--number { font-size: 12px; Why are you running for lieutenant governor, and if elected do you plan to run for governor in 2025? What qualities do you possess that you believe would make you a successful officeholder? Hes never talked to me about politics, about policy, about me., State Rep. Summer Lee, vice chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus. align-items:center; Previous lieutenant governors have used the office as political stepping stones: Former Lt. Gov.  Posted: Mar 2, 2023 / 09:01 AM EST. She also entered the United States Army in 1999 and retired as a major in the service in 2014. Nicholas Vercilla is a staff reporter for the Beaver County Times. However, a tie is unlikely because there are 21 Nevada Senators. 			display: block; Georgia state Sen. Burt Jones won out in a four-way Republican primary for lieutenant governor. Should the party try to win back working-class white voters who stray further from them every year or double down on the suburban and Black electorate that has powered their recent wins? Most politicians love being in front of the camera. The last time that happened and the ticket won the general election was in 1982. Nevada's legislative sessions are limited to 120 days to the minute. 	} if ($('#vis_xs_indicator').is(':hidden') || typeof VoterInfobyState_Resized!='undefined') { }. 	} a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { They had never heard of him, so they looked him up.  } 		position: absolute; 		margin: 0px 10px; It all looks the same to me, he says of portraits of himself. But he cares more about what Braddock thought of him than his popularity with other politicians: I just return to the simple fact that I was elected for four terms here. After 20 years in the insurance and financial services industry,he now owns Rapert Financial and Associates. 		position: relative; Werner said shes "pro-life with no exceptions," supports criminally charging people who discard unimplanted embryos from in vitro fertilization and believes the state should make adoption easier.  		font-weight: bold; "Because we need to be competitive in the Midwest.". Robinson, who is expected to run for governor in 2024, has been denounced for his comments about sex education in schools that critics  And I push myself out of who I  I mean, Im sitting here in his office, dressed like this. Fettermans passion for rehabilitationand other progressive policiesmight seem unlikely for someone with his background. Eight Republicans and two Democrats are running for lieutenant governor. She served as a City Council member and was deputy borough president of Brooklyn under now-Mayor Eric Adams. Delgado is being challenged by Ana Maria Archila and Diana Reyna. Texas Lieutenant Governor candidates in Republican primary March 1 By Eleanor Dearman February 13, 2022 5:00 AM A view of the Texas Capitol from Congress  
And his unique persona attracted a lot of national attention. Lieutenant Governor When I was 8 I worked as a dishwasher. Click [show] on the table below for examples: Following the 2020 presidential election, 88.6% of Nevadans lived in either Clark or Washoe County, the state's two Solid Democratic counties, which voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every election from 2012 to 2020, and 11.4% lived in one of 15 Solid Republican counties. Gov. } That was, however, in 2018, before George Floyds death, which was an inflection point for many Democrats who now say they are committed to putting candidates of color and urban areas at the center of the partys strategy. If elected, he said hed work to eliminate the state income tax and push for universal school choice, which would allow state money to flow to private schools and families that homeschool. There were no incumbents in this race. 100% remote. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, The general election is set for Nov. 8, 2022. font-weight: 100; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; } height: 22px; } People are looking for help from their government, and I think that we need all hands on deck.". Jones, a Republican from Jackson, has served as a member of the ", Will Martin, CEO of Wisconsin Diversified Investments, served in state government in several capacities under former Republican governors Scott Walker and Tommy Thompson. padding: 20px; } } Keep updated on the latest news and information. Rodriguez is a member of the State Assembly representing Waukesha County and western suburbs of Milwaukee, a district she flipped in the last election cycle. } Whos your base? .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { Fettermans campaign is making the case that he has the best shot at picking off Trump voters in the general election. text-align: center; Delgado is the incumbent. } } chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h5.votebox-header-election-type { He said parents have had to juggle matters such as whether to go to work or stay home with their kids due to virtual learningand have felt like nobody was listening to them. display: block; font-size: 12px; He told us he would put his career on the line. text-align: center; Its kind of like, same picturenot much you can do with it. The idea of Fetterman trying out a new look to mix things up is, of course, out of the question: I genuinely dont have anything to wear that different. The pair of Democrats in the running for lieutenant governor Rodriguez and Her each draw on divergent elements of the state Democratic Party's post-Barack Rendell thinks that voters wont care about Fettermans independent streak as much as party leaders doin fact, theyll like it. WebThe Republican Party nominated businessman Mark Robinson (who was running for public office for the first time), and the Democratic Party nominated state representative Yvonne Lewis Holley. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Dennis and Lee have been hired to work as field organizers for Fettermans campaign in Philly, where the lieutenant governor will likely be competing for votes with city native Kenyatta, as well as Street, who recently launched a U.S. Senate exploratory committee. font-size: 1.25em; font-size: 12px; The table below details demographic data in Nevada and compares it to the broader United States as of 2019. "There are so many things that are on the line today," she said. "I decided to run because I looked at my own story of upward mobility and I felt like those stories were not happening as much as they should be," Delgado said. font-size: 20px; } Bledsoe, 47, was appointed by Gov. padding-bottom: 8px; So the people overwhelminglyfor the three elections subsequent after my first oneoverwhelmingly supported the things and the initiatives that weve done. As for the idea that he used Braddock as a jumping-off pad? Because I believe in the work. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Delgado's background is unique. position: relative; But if someone wants to prejudge me based on my aversion to wearing a suit and tie, thats their right to do so.. Proposal would send text message receipts to absentee voters, New Republican initiative seeks to make inroads with Latino voters in Wisconsin, 3 transgender women have been killed in Milwaukee in the last 9 months, Lawyer who oversaw Trump elector scheme in Wisconsin reappointed to judicial advisory panel, Court orders Green Bay to stop using audio devices while lawsuit plays out, UW System President Jay Rothman to seek in-state tuition increase, Capital budget would offload 4 state office buildings, Landowners sue Lac du Flambeau tribal leaders to reopen roads blocked for a month, Wisconsin natives aged gouda is 'best cheese' in America, contest says, As budget negotiations begin, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos downplays Wisconsin's surplus, Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. margin: 0; Below, four categories are used to describe each county's voting pattern over the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections: Solid, Trending, Battleground, and New.