But if they are patient enough, they will finally find this one Sure, theres probably a small percentage of black and brown folks who live that way, but it seems a cheat, disingenuous and just plain lazy. Some want to throw back the hands of time and bring back the old days. What Is Forced Diversity, And Why Is It Controversial? An example of this is the 19 million black babies freely aborted over the past 40 years or so, simply because of the removal of responsibilities. Now are the monoliths totally responsible for all of this? Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. Recently, I too have seen greater representation of Asians and Hispanics in commercials, while the over-representation of blacks has stayed about the same. As one of my readers likes to say, The End is surely near., Sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks. This is not about money, or placating the woke mania. People dont have the stomach for it; they dont have any alternative brands to turn to; and in the end, its probably just not worth the time. Garbage collectors? 20 years from now, maybe it will be down to 30% white male. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. Again, its fine if they dont match pure census demos as long as it is for a marketing purpose, not social engineering goal. African monarchs often bought slaves from dealers in order to sell them again to other Africans or to Arabs. some stick and become part of the public consciousness. Anyone up for organizing a white history month? No, there is something else at work here. Its absurd especially given the lack of Asian American representation. Spot on Cranky! This was the first tournament comprised entirely of transgender and nonbinary players, with around 80 participating! I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! Do you accept these cookies and the processing of personal data involved? And nowhere not in the journalist media, nor in social media, can I find anyone calling BS on it. (Hopefully I can post the YouTube link), [The Cranky Creative says: YouTube is playing games with the link below. I too see the stupidity in it, and resent and push back against it. They are grooming young minds. Where are the Asians? Sad. It was the white people of America who spilled blood to free the black man, brother fighting brother. Youre right, Zan. The report highlights the following 10 demographics that are shaping the fabric in the United States: Over the last 50 years, almost 59 million immigrants have entered the country, mostly from Asia and Latin America. I always enjoy your comments, Criswell, and this may be your best yet. I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. You are simply noticing the obvious mile-wide chasm between the real world you live in and the forced-diversity agenda that seemingly all brands and advertisers are foisting upon us daily. When the Open subjects each of Serenas opponents to a 5 minute video montage celebrating Serena as they stand there waiting to play her is going a little too far. Perhaps Twitter did you a favor, Anonymous. We know the key is authenticity. She is going to lock him up for decades and then release him? And although these cultural problems dwarf the small, daily inconveniences that the forced-diversity agenda creates for creative professionals I wholeheartedly agree with your example of the difficulty in finding stock photography of white, rural-looking Americans I think those issues are important enough to our industry that they merit discussion. And not only that tell these companies youll be taking your business elsewhere; perhaps to a competitor that doesnt wear its politics on its sleeve. I am making a mental note to avoid these products. Black female doctors, dentists, insurance agents. Ensure your marketing team is rich with diversity. Sorry it does not even out to put mostly blacks in front of the camera while keeping the behind the camera jobs for whites Except for a few superstar talents, people in front of the camera make less long term and have short careers compared to people behind it. He also often had female villainsthe worst thing as a villain in a Disney film was the evil mother. The irony is, as Im trying to do work for regional brands, our demographic is mainly rural ranchers and small business owners. The biggest lie I see every day in TV in ads is mixed couples with a white husband and black wife. Dont allow our media to control who should or should not be placed on a pedestal. Ive seen plenty of representation of women in hijab, though. If I were you, Id have put my name on that one because theres not a single thing in your comment that a fair and rational person could argue with. I cant even watch it on weekends anymore because most of the hosts and guests are black. White men ARE shown to be bigger/ plus-sized. I boycott all these companies with their PC bull****. Its the only way to get them to change, and it does work. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. Portrayal by the media of any race to be perceived as obsolete in the publics eye will only ad fuel to the fire. Please explain what you mean by the statement the other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all? You do know that Black people are not a monolithic group. But do you hear about it, unless the white person is a mass shooter? Spot on Elizabeth! Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? The slice of life peeks presented in advertising seem unrealistic, ridiculous, and egregious. I would love to organize SHWM (Single Heterosexual White Males) because we are apparently unrepresented and as such are solely responsible for the oppression of all non-SHWM people! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); While Matthew Quint, director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership at Columbia Business School, agreed more diverse races and gender identities are appearing in advertising in general and. Motivational Values can be described and measured as positive or negative as at least five internalized values. Generation to generation. (Theyre 12% of the population, remember.). All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. What exactly do you mean? Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. I CANT STAND IT! Like you, I would love to see the social media platforms reclassified as utilities, but Im not sure whos going to do it. I am not the only person noticing all this. As a White woman, Ive never had any interest in interracial. The blatant portrayal that the white woman has washed her hands of the white man is wrong and must not continue. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. Always appreciate your thoughtful comments. What youre seeing in many of these ads that are pushing the black person/actor to the forefront are the writers and directors who are predominantly black. Its safe, but it will take you away from this site to show you the video on YouTube. . . The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. The only way out I see is to try and make these companies (including your catalog company) pay a price for their actions. For example, Sprite is popular with blacks and has been since the 90s when the companys marketing tapped into hip-hop and sports culture. The moment I see one, I immediately switch to a different channel. What is the Whitewashing of black people? Thats my point exactly. They are Boomer V2.0.only twice as insufferable since they lack the experience and context behind the 1960s cultural revolution and overthrow accomplished by their creators. Messed around with Boolean operators for awhile, but Google had zero wisdom. Do you have kids, Anonymous? In a recent film about Mary, Queen of Scots, an Asian actress played the part of Bess of Hardwick, 2nd wealthiest person in England after Elizabeth I. Start by consulting diverse communities through surveys, advisory or focus groups to understand their concerns or perspectives on a given topic. They always do the slow seeping of an idea into the culture, and then, at some point, go warp-speed. For a clue to your answer, check out the reader comments down this page. How can a company make any money by only advertising to %15 of the population. I did contact one company to comment, politely, but received a lame-excuse response. This is an advertising blog, after all. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. Has anyone or can someone post a list of ad sponsors and companies that promote fake advertising? Me, I think Ive just hit a personal milestone. Thank God I tape everything so I can fast forward so I dont have to watch this crap. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? Fathers Day is just around the corner so maybe you will see some realistic commercials this year but I doubt it. There is positively an endgame to complete the destruction of the west underlying all of this. I really feel sorry for the kids being born today. Its just where we are. As you say, if television ads did a better job of reflecting real life, there would be a lot fewer people complaining that advertisers are pushing an agenda. When BLM founder purchased four homes I had just read a piece by a paid-by-democrats political consultant on CRT. And the media champion it. Its great to have black people in commercials and shows and such but it is certainly not a representation of this country in terms of the amount of black people that are in commercials. oh yeah, ive noticed that. I have been calling these commercial actors as vaguely non-white, This way, the Ad execs avoid pigeon-holing any one raceoh, except the whites where the bearded dad is goofy and the rest of the white family are redheads. Absent, but it didnt stop me from achievement. According to 2020 Census data, white people make up 61.6 percent of the population, black people 12.4 percent, Hispanics or Latinos 18.7 percent, and Asians 6 percent. These companies are so worried that their Hispandering will all be wasted if someone doesnt realize that the people in the commercial are Latino that they have to yell out loud to consumers : Look, we care about Latinos, too!. Ive never gotten that impression. r/unpopularopinion on Reddit: Forced diversity is stupid. But modern Disney is very different. Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. A person identified as white is a racist, by definition. Quite a few brands have been making a point in recent years to show more natural-looking women in body-inclusive advertising. Now everywhere I turn in commercials, I hear the copy saying everyone, all together, we, inclusive This breaks the irrefutable law in branding that you can not be all things to all peopleever. I have to tape all my shows because I am so tired of seeing all black and gay and transgender and interracial people on tv. When you see it in TV, you would assume black/white interracial marriages are 95% of all marriages. You dont need to guess about what kind of images and language people want. etc.not racism, but facts that prove their babble crap are myths I agree. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. Why not? And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. . If you note the 30 posters on the walls, there is one white, straight male. Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys, https://fox59.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/606081233/extreme-reach-study-finds-increase-in-percent-of-white-people-seen-and-male-voices-heard-in-video-ad-creative-in-2022/, a brand like Chewy that works so hard to deliver positive experiences. Hollywood was not interested in making films with such men as leads. Unfortunately, the progressive mindset behind a lot of this nonsense has a firm lock on many, if not most, companies today. (And Im just going to say it: Barack Obama, the so-called Great Uniter, did more to damage race relations in this country than any leader in my lifetime. And why would I? Like, they must feel like theyre totally at the edge of Corporate Americas mind. Again, youre not racist just observant. Most interracial couples I know of and see are either Asian-White or Hispanic-White. Zach Van Arsdale By Fernanda Galan | November 8, 2021 | 9:30pm MST Not so much. Dont even get me started on Disney! Oh, Im afraid the NHL isnt just being picked on its own-goaling itself. For some, it is a crutch. These include cookies that allow you to be remembered as you explore the site within a single session or, if you request, from session to session. And who are they? If we want to avoid falling with them, we need to remain the voices of reason and sanity in society. Also cartoon ads having black cartoon characters. Alas, these are not sane times. These days, we are all seeing a hell of a lot of propaganda. The Oscars So White thing always makes me laugh the members of the Academy are complaining about the people they vote for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father My wife is Chinese and asks why there are no white and Asian couples. Im thinking that we are witnessing a more subdued, diluted and pervasive approach to the impossibility of reparations everywhere, in hopes that these little tidbits may just blunt the tip of that spear. Hi, Merle. I have just about quit watching network television. As a woman, I feel insulted by all the pandering that goes on towards females. Not just in the race area, but other sensitive areas. I had to use DuckDuckGo for results to show up. I am sure that for the vast majority of the UK this is not the case. Thanks again for writing and good luck landing some auditions. Ethnic Diversity In Advertising Is At All-Time High - HuffPost UK And sadly, race relations or whatever you want to call it is but one cog in the overall gear mechanism. Its amazing how overnight white people became complete buffoons and black people became highly intelligent with all the answers to everything in life. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now.