Thor is confused. bellows Thor, he nearly jumps at Clint but Steve, who is sitting next to Thor, manages to press his right hand at Thor's shoulder. I know that he loved me though," Tony answers surprisingly with great insight. Clint asks. "Clint, now is not the time to mention a TV show. Nick Shirm is currently training as an opera singer at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and has appeared alongside Harry Potter co star, Helena Bonham Carter in Sixty Six. Steve snorted in frustration. Harry was sandwiched between Wanda and Tony as Fury paced the room. At that point, Harry hated Percy for not believing in him, for not giving him recognition in the disciplinary hearing, and for accepting Fudge's mockeries.[13]. Clint is on the roll as he continues, "Thor, some episodes have Loki, Balder, and Odin in them. Tony, the boys also have father issues. Percy Ignatius Weasley , . Also known as Nick Brody is the father of Sarah Walker, a thing she discovers around her 40th, thought all her life that William Walker was her father. [23], He later also supported the Ministry with their legislations and prejudice against werewolves and half-giants when they were attempting to discredit Dumbledore, not protesting when the Ministry criticised Dumbledore's decision to employ Remus Lupin and Rubeus Hagrid at Hogwarts. C'est la faute d'Harry tout a, en plus il entrane d'honntes gens dans ses histoires ! Steve has never seen Clint lose his cool. ", Clint and Natasha swap their glare from Loki to Tony. 332 guests [23] However, the twins' pranks were generally good-natured ribbing at his expense during Christmas in 1991, the twins forbade him from sitting with the other prefects, noting that Christmas was a time for family. How will Harry find the Avengers and will the battle of Manhattan go smoother with Harry Potter on their side? Loki, would you be so kind as to tell us how we summoned you? In fact, I have been planning to call Ms. Potts the whole morning. The Ultimate Avenger Chapter I, a Harry Potter - FanFiction Nicholas Fury (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom What happens when eight movies appear out of nowhere, depicting their life in the past, present, and future? Tony recovers quickly and says, "I guess the statement that everybody reads Harry Potter is true! "I'm afraid, it's only the six of you plus Nick Fury," answers Loki with a mock bow to Steve as he is the captain. Harry Potter and the Wastelands of all Time Genre: Action/Adventure, Time Travel Harry's determination to triumph against Voldemort directs him to create a pact with the devil (figuratively speaking). Harry left his house at 8:45 am, and went right to the ministry, then onto the department of magical law enforcement. You can't threaten a kid with a gun!" Les new-yorkais n'ont qu' bien se tenir qu' Harry dbarque chez eux, avec des compagnons hauts en couleurs ! Crouch was supposedly ill and taking time off to recover, and it was being blamed on the stress caused by the debacle following the Quidditch World Cup. Why does he refer to him as Dad? While in Egypt Fred and George also tried to lock him in a pyramid, but were caught by their mother. "Dad!" She boosted his morale by a tonne, and he flaunted himself even more, though he kept his relationship secret from his family, not wanted to be laughed at by anyone else. [13] While he was still a child, the wizarding world became peaceful again (for a time) after Lord Voldemort's first defeat on 31 October, 1981. "Captain Rogers, no, Mr. Stark hasn't fulfilled his promise. When Harry is sorted into Slytherin, he's quickly disowned by his family. "Wow, not only you have father issues but also centennial sibling rivalry, and people say I have issues," Tony says with a big smile, not realizing that his teammates wince at his statement. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling After her friends abndoned her in the summer after 4th year Hayley starts to question her life and decides to give up. Bartemius Crouch Senior, his former boss whom he heavily fawned over. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. Fury sounded so lost and desperate the avengers turned to him shocked that he both knew Harry from somewhere and that Fury was capable of displaying emotions. You seem to barely get along." Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? Species [25], Following the end of the Second Wizarding War, Percy returned to the now-reformed Ministry of Magic, and became Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[11] under new Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt. "I honestly have no idea what you are talking about," answers Loki with genuine confusion. He owed his considerable age to the Elixir of Life, which was produced from the Stone, along with his wife Perenelle. "Save it, Cap. That was the only reason. The behaviour was noted by his siblings, who found it strange. What happens when they finally have enough of her and kick her out. Perfect Situations & Matryoshka Vignettes by Jeconais. Multi-couple. Steve asked suspicious of the child's identity. Thor is there since he can fly. "See you later then" Harry replied smirking as he walked out with Draco following close behind. Taken in by the Malfoy family, Harry learns . Technically I'm British - born a Shacklebolt, but when I was found to be a squib, I was sent to America to be adopted. However, you have programmed me to have my own simulated thought process. The namesake for Percy's middle name, Ignatius, was likely his mother's uncle Ignatius Prewett[33]. He actually hates paperwork and barely tolerates debriefing so that's saying something. "It's my so-called beloved brother of course.". Harry Potter's Siblings | FanFiction Happy birthday Ron! He paused there, obviously expecting a massive reaction. On the same day, the Ministry of Magic was overthrown by Death Eaters, and Rufus Scrimgeour was killed and replaced by Pius Thicknesse, a puppet of Voldemort's. Bucky was focusing on his food trying to ignore the glares that Tony kept shooting him due to Harry currently wearing his leather jacket. Fury shook his head and stroked his gun. In this fantastical Otome Game you will find, drama, intrigue, tragedy, and so much doki-doki that your heart may explode from excitement. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1987-1994, and was both a prefect and Head Boy. Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. It was believed by some that he may not have been acting under his own accord, and that his instructions may have been written by someone else. [13] Finally, after reconciling with his family, in the brief ceasefire allowed to them by Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts, Percy comforted Ron following Fred's death, which also devastated him. Lily and James don't want a slimy Slytherin having anything to do with their chosen one. He was also present when Voldemort announced Harry's "supposed" death, looking shocked and saddened, as he had once again came to consider Harry a friend. "Do you know that the God of Lies shouldn't use the word honestly? At Christmas 1995, he spitefully returned his mother's present unopened, and refused to visit his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries; both of these cruel acts really hurt his family, but he did not seem to care for their feelings. [13], Later that year during Christmas, Percy returned his traditional Christmas jumper to his mother unopened without a note, much to her distress, and neither visited his father in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries nor at least asked about him following his wounding by Nagini, much to Fred and George's fury. In that case, you will be very busy!". Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Harry Potter - Archive Of Our Own The Bonds That Tie - Chapter 53 - Nightstar_Fury - Harry Potter - J. K Unknown length, wood and core Fury relaxed,the slightest hint of a smile on his lips. Categories. The rest of the Avengers are shocked that Steve, Thor, and Loki are actually aware of Harry Potter. [23], The 1994 Quidditch World Cup that Percy attended with his family and friends, Along with the rest of his family, he attended the Quidditch World Cup, and was embarrassed when Mr Crouch addressed him as "Weatherby" in front of his family. [13], Percy severed all ties with his family, wanting everyone to know that he had nothing to do with them. Personal assistant to Barty Crouch Snr (formerly)Court Scribe[10] (formerly)Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic (formerly)Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[11] He wore horn-rimmed glasses, and also tried to carry himself in a dignified manner, although he usually came off looking pretentious and silly. Found Family. Through the marriage of his brother Bill Weasley, Percy became brother-in-law to Fleur Delacour. "Brother, are you being punished? as well as Please consider turning it on! Perseus Jackson has seen it all. No the Bratdefinitely didn't look cute in it. Clint answers hotly. Harry Potter (character) - Wikipedia In the summer of 1995, Percy acted as Court Scribe during Harry Potter's hearing before the Wizengamot for using magic in front of a Muggle. ", Thor answers swiftly, "I can usually feel my brother's magic but I think he is not possessing any magical power at the moment." Bruce is already there since he's practically joined at the hip with Tony after the Loki incident. He hopes Thor doesn't take it the wrong way. Fury sounded incredibly unimpressed, and Bucky felt a twinge of sympathy for whoever told him that. He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. Steve thinks that Baron Zemo also hasn't done any attacks to single him out lately. The arrows fall uselessly to the floor after they hit the legs of Loki's metal chair. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Percy finally began to see what was happening around him, but could do nothing since he was being watched closely. Hermione Granger, his future sister-in-law. Non-corporeal[9] His love of order and rules, and obedience to authorities blinded him to the truth about Lord Voldemort's return and he felt ashamed after learning the truth and couldn't bring himself to see his family. Loki looks alarmed and answers, "Or I can just read these fanfictions with you to enrich my knowledge of Midgard. I may revise my opinion slightly as only Midgardians can think of such a sick concept," answers Thor with a fresh horror thinking he has to explain Thorki to Loki. Harry Potter and the so I really am Fate's Bitch - Harry, Fury and the He survived the battle but was grief-stricken over the death of his brother Fred, whom he was fighting alongside and was determined to avenge. They look at the three of them in turn. [21], Percy spent much of the summer of 1992 in his room exchanging letters with girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, and his family only saw him at mealtimes. In which John discusses his new novel (Paper Towns), the Nerdfighting antics of Harry and the Potters, the forthcoming punishment, and Academic Decathalon.HE. In the weeks that followed, Percy had to work doubly hard at the Ministry to cope with the large number of Howlers that crossed his desk from the disgruntled and frightened public. 'Draco? ", "Fine, be my guest. Cornelius Fudge originally looked down on Percy's family due to their affiliation with Muggles; however, in 1995 as an attempt to spy on the Weasley family and through them, Albus Dumbledore, Fudge promoted Percy to become his Junior Minister. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Percy introduced himself and his pet rat to this individual. Is that within one day? Hermione eventually became Percy's sister-in-law, and the relationship between them is unknown. I'm what they'd call a squib. "Okay, okay someone is going to explain everything to me now before I shoot Nick here for being part of this crazy cult" Tony interfered before Fury shot his son. "Tony, the last time I followed your recommendation, I ended up reading sparkling vampires. Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. "Whoa Fury! It could possibly be clues for him destroying his relationship with his family. [18] Percy advised Harry Potter to take Muggle Studies and Divination for his third year, as he regarded them as the most useful. ", Tony, who is bent to get back at Clint after his joke about Tony being gay, looks like a kid who is told that Christmas has come early. I kept the magic shit away from him. Regardless, the damage that Fudge had caused to Percy's relationships with his family was done and it took 2 years before Percy was finally able to reconcile with them. I know from sources that he'd actually just been fighting for his damn life, but I couldn't do anything.' Scabbers was handed down to his younger brother, Ron. We have mutual feelings that we haven't realized. He was the younger brother of Bill and Charlie, the older brother of the late Fred Weasley, George, Ron and Ginny. A high achiever, he went to work at the Ministry of Magic after leaving school, working in the Department of International Magical Co-operation under Barty Crouch Snr and later as Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic himself. Fury raised a smug eyebrow. Harry Potter was sent to America on Ministry business, through this he meets Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Do you use the Norwegian or American calendar?". Despite this, however, Percy is not entirely without reason, as after the Ministry fell and was taken over by the Death Eaters, Percy finally realised his wrongs and admitted to them and apologised sincerely to his family, reconciling with them. However, Percy usually just seemed affected and self-important since he constantly tried to look and sound dignified, including calling his parents "Mother" and "Father" rather than "Mum" and "Dad" like the rest of his siblings. Or perhaps not, it's Tony Stark after all. Fury shook his head. That's just so wrong, humans shouldn't behave like that. Family: Sarah Walker - Daughter. Later, he wrote to his parents to inform them that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber. It was cold hewasn't going to let the kid freeze to death! The story behind Fury's lost vision is handled differently in the comics and the films. 'Now, what I'm about to tell you is going to blow all your sheltered little minds.' "Hang on, did Thor really call you for five times? [13], John Dawlish, Cornelius Fudge, and Percy see Voldemort inside the Ministry of Magic, Following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Percy now knew the truth about Lord Voldemort's return, but continued to side with the Ministry because he couldn't bring himself to face his family after seeing that they were right all along when siding with Harry and Dumbledore and he was wrong for siding with the Ministry, feeling shame over it. Besides, we already had an agreement with Ms. Potts this morning. Unatoned by SeriousScribble. "Mr. Potter-MalfoyLovely to see you again." Amelia greeted. Percy finally came to his senses when the Ministry fell to Voldemort, and he fought alongside Harry in the Battle of Hogwarts. After Voldemort's death, he is among those who hugged Harry for his victory over Voldemort, Harry's lack of protest showing his better views of Percy. Like all his siblings, he was home educated in reading, writing and mathematics by his mother. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Department of International Magical Co-operation personnel, Disciplinary hearing of Harry Potter participants, Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Department of International Magical Co-operation, Transylvanian Head of Magical Co-operation, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY REUNITES AT QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP FINAL, Times Online - The Unwritten Story of Harry's Friends and Their Children, Unidentified Minister of Magical Transportation, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, Head of the Department of Magical Transportation, Percy's middle name, Ignatius, probably is from his, One trait that Percy had in common with his first two bosses, Due to Percy being reduced to a background character in, Percy is omitted from the film adaptations of.