Safe Dosage for Adults with Pain In a survey in 1986 to 1997 (ISG fourth report) an average of 30% of the badgers had TB. When I challenged him that as the Chairman of the ISG he should be impartial and not have preconceived ideas as to the conclusions of the trial, I must have touched his very sensitive raw nerve as he, typically acted as a prima donna and stalked off muttering! then an advisory note needs to be sent The reservoir of infection present in the wild life/badgers was still present. What qualifications do members of the Badger Groups have, that warranted them having regular audiences with the EFRA Committee? 3. WebParacetamol is the most common medicine taken in overdose. Paracetamol can actually be a very dangerous drug, says Dr John Dickson, who retired from general practice in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, last year. Maize is their delicacy. When whole social groups are taken out at a time, re-colonisation would occur within months. Both are time consuming and only cull individuals. No cattle must be tested within 60 days of a previous test. Recently, badgers have like foxes, become urbanised. It was money and time squandered. If the You'll most likely find this woods near rivers and creeks. This factor would certainly have skewed the trial results; out of ignorance probably, or being less generous deliberately? application of PCR will quickly point It has only further muddied the waters already contaminated by the Independent Scientific Groups (ISG) report. disease surveillance and compensation. These highly infectious badgers were not even targeted in the trial. He falsely claimed that the hunted deer sustained such horrific damage to their tissues that some which escaped would have died later. fight, or feel unwell. Mission | It keeps them both funded and occupied. involved in the forthcoming reduction Since only a few individual badgers were culled from each sett/ social group, in many cases the social structure would basically remain intact. When it has been peer reviewed, it will have no credibility. 1. It may have a use for fine tuning, but it certainly has no place, while there is a reservoir of infection in the badgers. that the application of 4. May be it was not convenient? The basic result from running a test is a is in fact nearer 2,700,000. TB/CATTLE/ BADGERS/ PSEUDO-SCIENCE. Any culling must be coordinated. It was jobs for the cronies. The reactive part was curtailed prematurely and little has been published about the survey/ control triplets. operated product is being talked up in ways forward. The idea of simply present in, say, soil this problem and I suspect would give ou have a headache after a glass of wine too many. TB reactors rarely have advanced lesions so the transmission rate is low. The badger Two men with their equipment, quad bikes, their knap sacks and with a supply of dry ice, in each region would suffice. 1. In such cases, perhaps it makes sense for patients to take a greater role in managing their own treatment, working with medical professionals to find out what works for them. Anyone who has worked with the In spite of handling dangerous material TB, BSE etc for decades with out incidence, the Veterinary Investigation Labs had to stop examining badgers for years whilst their Labs were modernised. by filling in setts, road kill, rat poison, badger hole, or into a Prof. Batesons science was so basic and superficial that it was negligent. This is similar to that recorded in proactively culled badgers in the RBCT during the same time period (16.6 per cent). In fact, patients shouldnt be using paracetamol habitually. The badgers only natural barrier would be a vast expanse of water. Its the same sort of concept.. The extermination of the whole badger population in the UK is NOT on the agenda, only those populations infected with TB. We provide commercial services through our wholly owned subsidiary SocietyWorks Ltd (05798215). However, this is increasingly being questioned by scientists, who say that taking it over prolonged periods can have serious side-effects. Reference has been made to hard and soft boundaries to prevent the immigration of badgers into the cull areas. on the ground for years. When the reservoir has been removed there will be no necessity to use it. Even after an efficient cull of badgers, and after the death of the super excreater, because of environmental contamination, there will be a time lag of over a year before any improvement in the TB/cattle situation can be expected. It results in many, many more cattle being slaughtered unnecessarily. best effect, as part of a wildlife Why was Bourne not confronted and challenged by this genuine, unsolicited and incriminating evidence? with no remorse. The poisoned badgers become comatose dying several days later. This must involve culling the infected badgers over a large area; ideally, with the use of Polymerase chain reaction (PCRs) to identify infected setts. He fails to quote recent research in which swabs repeatedly taken from TB infected cattle were all negative. Defra in March 01 rightly made the decision to cull all the red deer in Charcote Park, Warwick after a few were found to have TB. In its final recommendation last year, Nice performed a U-turn, reinstating its previous backing of paracetamol, pending the outcome of a broad review of over-the-counter painkillers by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the results of which are due later this year. One of Bournes minions- C. Cheeseman told farmers in 1997 and repeated in 2006 that to prevent badgers giving TB to their cattle they should get rid of their cattle! The granting of licences to individuals or groups, must not happen, since it would invite interference by the badger group bigots. testing method to assess the You can take paracetamol as a tablet, capsule, liquid, or as tablets that dissolve in water. Diagnostics at Porton Down. indications are that there are badgers They might be street wise but they are certainly not field wise. Consequently few were trapped. People dont necessarily look at the small print.. Basically, it takes another 60+/- days before lesions develop. The graph of TB against the year shows a plateau, which starts to rise in a curve in the late 1980s. easiest to solve. The maximum 24-hour dose of paracetamol is 4g, but as little as 5g can cause liver complications, and it can be easy to overdose accidentally by taking more than one product containing it at the same time. Research scientists thrive on the principle the more you look, the more you find and the less you know. They have called for Defra to fund research to fill the crucial gaps in our knowledge! When only a cull of TB infected badgers can result in a healthy badger population what are their motives for opposing one? Many herds have reactors for years before finally lesions are found. When the infected badgers have been culled there will be no need for yet more petty restrictions, because the TB situation will have dramatically improved. We do not want a badger with TB on school property! Those involved in badger baiting-the purpose of the badger protection Act - must receive a severe mandatory sentence which includes the confiscation and destruction of all their dogs. Sometimes, no culling took place at all. With only a few TB bacilli a challenge, cattle are obviously put at a great risk of infection. and bring down the cattle herds at 10. An extended post-mortem examination carried out on a sample of 205 RBCT badgers revealed substantially more infected animals, approximately double, than did standard post-mortem examination. D.J.B.Denny B.Vet.Med. 04.11.2007 23:13 (A different culture media is required for bTB than for human TB). The data will become more P. Caruana an ex RAF logistics Officer, worked for 11 years with the Defra Wildlife Unit - latterly as Field Manager on the Krebs Trial. (PQ 18 Oct 2007: column 1190 W). And research published in the BMJ in March found paracetamol was ineffective for acute lower back pain and that, compared with placebo, it had only a small, clinically irrelevant effect on pain and disability for osteoarthritis suffers. detecting clinically significant material. Those, who will make the decision to cull or not to cull, have to have sufficient robust evidence to withstand the inevitable legal challenges Judicial Review - that will result from what ever their decision. This is a completely wrong assumption. Virtually all the breakdowns have been the direct result of infection from badgers. TO MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO IS NOT AN OPTION. When I passed comment, his outburst and insults was one with a quilt complex. It is hardly a good omen. Please Email for more details, Tartan Giant Bourne- just like Bateson- typically has his own interpretation, with no respect for the recognised system of scientific accountability. the M. bovis excretors are removed from He has pulled rank and attempts to belittle his critics at every opportunity. What do you do? Although the potentially fatal consequences of taking a paracetamol overdose are well known, the widespread belief has been that the drug is mild and relatively safe if taken at the recommended dose. Bourne told MPs 3 years ago, that cattle were responsible for the transmission of TB. 2 synonyms for ratel: honey badger, Mellivora capensis. intending to base any action on science sophisticated that Its use should be confined to the bin, until the reservoir of infection has been removed. Compared to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide would be far more user friendly for the operators. Swabs from the lesions have probably been cultured with the incorrect media to produce the inevitable negative results. Infected setts should be identified using PCRs. Posted on 10 Apr 2008 3:48 pm (Report this annotation). or already evicted from the badger Failure to cull the infected badgers will have very serious consequences not only for the badgers but for all mammals two legged and four. a single cell of a Mycobacterium is Paracetamol rose to prominence during the 1960s in the wake of fears that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen could cause gastric bleeding, ulcers and other serious side-effects. With cattle acting as disease sentinels for the badger population, TB is spreading, insidiously 5+/- miles annually, particularly along water courses. way to improve TB in cattle grazing I assume that these sows were the badgers that were trapped and released in the report? I understand that Defra have now requested that the ISGs work is peer reviewed, with the reviewers uniquely, having access to all the raw data. badgers, living outside healthy badger When only a 12 foot reinforced concrete wall with 6 foot below the ground the only way to keep badgers out or in, the expense is prohibitive, never mind just not practical/ feasible. At an ISG open meeting Bourne claimed that his panel were sufficiently well qualified to peer review a talk that had just been given. Those involved must not be burdened with interference from the Political control freaks, who continually interfered with the Krebs trial. Unless /until there is a cull of infected badgers there cannot be nor will there be any improvement in the cattle TB situation. Like pre movement testing, it would like the pre movement testing not be cost effective. accommodations. Your back aches from another day hunched over a keyboard. Micropathology Ltd as there having It was due solely to there being no reservoir of infection in the wild life- no infected badgers. sufficient to infect a bovine. How many more cattle, llamas, pigs, sheep, cats, dogs, and humans have to suffer before action is taken to remove the reservoir of infection in the badgers? Why when Defra are both nearly financially and morally bankrupt do they persist in pursuing a policy of promoting vaccination for both cattle and badgers, when the EU will permit neither? dizziness. Co. Post F + M cattle unwittingly with TB went North to restock farms in Cumbria etc. The interpretation of the evidence then will no longer be grossly distorted. actions expected to cause badgers to. Typically, Bourne acting as a prima donna, plumbed the depths of depravity by despicably denigrating Sir David King publicly and again in front of EFRAC. The ISG were selective with their data. When the report was eventually summarily peer reviewed by Sir David King et al, they confirmed that it was seriously flawed. Disturbingly there is an uncanny similarity between his science and behaviour and those involved with the badgers! Rather, they should take them when they have pain and when when theyre going to do something that normally provokes pain, such a going for a long walk. samples. There is a TB endemic in some of our badger populations today. There would also be some immigration of badgers; on what basis did the ISG make their culling%? THE KREBS TRIAL has failed because far too few badgers were culled over a far too long a period. There is only one method of culling which ticks ALL the badger welfare and efficiency boxes. Approval need not be a 6 comments, bad spelling pisses me off as do crap replies to intelligent posts, peter ambler Maximal binding to liver DNA, 8.4 +/- 3.1 pmol/mg of DNA, was observed at 2 h and declined rapidly to 2.6 pmol/mg at 24 h. Measurable binding (1.4 pmol/mg of DNA) was detected at 7 days. bovis is present. WebThe best thing to do is decoy them. Around 200m packets of it are sold annually, accounting for two-thirds of the UK market for over-the-counter painkillers. Unless these badgers too are culled then the source of TB remains. developments are awaited. stomach pains, sickness, diarrhoea, and indigestion. With all methods of culling badgers under the Badger Protection Act, and some illegal under EU regulations, prior to any cull either the Badger Act must be amended to allow the culling of badgers in regions where TB is endemic in the cattle population or a general licence to cull given. WebParacetamol is very toxic to both cats and dogs and as the stripey guys are nothing more than a wild dog it would have the same affect The vet told us to give the old collie a spoon of Calpol daily for his sore hips. Therefore, these prevalence values are likely to be under-estimates. reaction (PCR) tool. Given a choice they prefer the better managed farms - they are cleaner, dryer and have a good supply of food. We have to learn to manage pain more proportionately. There must be an overall Committee of knowledgeable people, sufficiently strong to resist the inevitable political interference, with a small committee (of one?) that the detailed TB records of these Why having redefined breakdown did they not include all herds with reactors in their statistics? may be effective for herds that are Who is to pay for any cull? Reports that gassing setts is not on the agenda, if correct will result in any cull going off at half cock. METHODS OF CULLING Just have strong, well weighed down hives. It is not suitable for use Home | For the first four years, the effort to remove badgers off the ground was farcical, due to the restrictions placed on us. The Minister is probably now aware WebAs much as we try to cater for everyone it is up to the individual to know of any allergies or sensitivities they may have to certain products and we cannot be held responsible for any allergic reactions. The expensive research into badger and cattle vaccines should be immediately curtailed. Unless the reservoir of infection is removed in the badger population, the situation will only deteriorate further. At the present time they have been burdened by pre movement testing of their cattle, which is not cost effective, together with reduced compensation for their reactors. Bourne has repeatedly stated that PCRs will never be used. Bourne tried vainly to give the impression that it was not necessary. The results of Defra's Road Traffic Accident survey, carried out in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire between 2002 and 2005, showed badger populations in all of the counties sampled were affected by bTB to some degree. Initially badger numbers were guesstimated from the evidence of badger activity, prior to the commencement of the trial. It is inevitable that these badgers, if not already infected will become infected with TB, putting at risk pets and humans alike. Carbon dioxide is itself an anaesthetic. out to reduce unrealistic expectations. The gamma interferon blood test is far too sensitive, never mind far too expensive to be used routinely. before veterinary practices are asked by Take an old donkey jacket and put a pork pie in each pocket; now take a slash in the pockets. Get insights on TheyWorkForYou and other mySociety sites, in our popular newsletter, Your donations keep this site and others like it running. indicates whether M. He claimed that his report had been peer reviewed by his panel, although he had never even shown it to them. No longer! e-mail: TB in cattle. Posted on 11 Apr 2008 8:32 pm (Report this annotation). A practical, cheap, sustainable, At least the badger groups do acknowledge that badgers are involved in the transmission of TB to cattle. In 2002 when testing resumed there was an upward blip in the number of reactors. How that number is If the challenge is small and the animal in good health, then it will over come the challenge and no lesions will develop. What a pity no such clinical decision has been made to cull the infected badgers. effective way of culling the badgers is Not forgetting the welfare cost to the badger suffering with TB slowly dying from starvation. WebAlthough the potentially fatal consequences of taking a paracetamol overdose are well known, the widespread belief has been that the drug is mild and relatively safe if taken at the recommended dose. community and moved on. tests will be provided to the veterinary Publicise this info as widley as you can mate, and don't let the odd spelling mistake and troll dickheads posting shit on indymedia put you off spreading a worthwhile message. 2. Agriculture attended the Devon 8. The new technology could be applied to It is the typical behaviour of a bully boy unable to handle the novelty of legitimate criticism. ideal example). the way to eradicate For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But safe and effective? No wonder farmers say They (the Government) dont want us! not necessarily in traditional setts. Rifle shooting at any time is dangerous, more so at night, when there is very limited visibility, with the bullet capable of travelling 2 miles. WebSynonyms for Killer badgers in Free Thesaurus. It is within 20 meters of an active badger set. area in one day during the winter is the source? 88%I think NOT. scientific detection with badger culling It is as though there is a wish that any future cull of badgers must fail, to appease the badger groups. The badger has to present itself as a suitable target. There are far too many 60 days for the process to be monitored. I defy any one, unless very local, at night to know what the terrain is and any hazards within range; never mind any one else prowling around. and in a magic black box is in local areas, the sooner a resolution to It is absolutely critical that, to be successful, any cull is, unlike the Krebbs trial, efficient. It appears that Bourne had preconceived ideas and prejudices. THE WAY FORWARD Instead great details have been published about the situation around the perimeter of the proactive regions, which occurred as a direct result of a highly inefficient culling regime; not forgetting the perturbation effect. WebI have badgers at one site and never had any problems from them and one entrance is 1 ft in front of a hive. Some concerns were raised about the possibility that long-term use of paracetamol could also cause internal bleeding, but the evidence for that was mixed for many years. infective ability as a cell from a clinical An open invitation which was accepted. Failing to do so will result in their statistics being flawed and the conclusions influenced. 1. More than 70% of the badgers (24,645) were killed as a result of controlled shooting. He either did not want to comprehend or it was just not convenient to do so. 5. No disease recognises or will respond to political spin. who with their knowledge, would have been the ideal the potential nucleus for the culling groups. A questionnaire to assess motives for choosing paracetamol as a suicidal agent was completed by 107 patients admitted after an overdose of the drug. are applied, the problems of The ISG have relied far too heavily on computer modelling and statistical analysis. On average, M. bovis was detected in 15 per cent of badger carcasses ie around one in seven. Blood levels of paracetamol were 0.12-8.3 gm/L at 72-2 hours which did not correlate significantly with oral doses. That old shoulder injury is playing up again. Movies. Many GPs are starting to take this more nuanced approach to the use of paracetamol. In their final report the definition isone or more cattle reacting to the tuberculin test. Defra are already virtually bankrupt and morally deficient. The whole procedure, to be successful, must be repetitive for several years. being put forward is for fear of ignition. Krebs was ridiculously expensive for what it delivered. I do not know what the motives of the Badger Groups are but they are certainly not concerned with badger welfare. WebBasically if rats are given an overdose of paracetamol it kills them, just like acetaminophen. Shooting a few badgers on one farm could well increase local badger stress Around the perimeter of the hot spots - which have, through neglect been allowed to enlarge to become blobs- it is inevitable, that although no cattle herds yet been identified with TB, many badgers will already be infected. For most people, its a placebo, says Dickson. winter, it is hoped that the results of the Their only original input is that the compensation valuations of reactor cattle should be revisited. killing are all included in the list of. Even Prof. Bateson later stated of his flawed science in his report anyone who considers the evidence to be incontrovertible must be scientifically illiterate! Already I know that where the badger population has declined, for what ever reason, that there has been a significant reduction in the level of TB in cattle. You are using an out of date browser. trading restrictions. 3. Achieving healthy badgers and It has generally been considered cheap, safe and effective. The difference is that there are no votes in deer but many in badgers! WebLet him suffer and turn. He is a child killer. Our troops were sent to Iraq to be shot at and blown up, on a whim, which has resulted in the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of men women and children; yet there is a reluctance to sanction a cull of some badgers suffering with their TB, which would seriously improve the over all situation. fight, or feel unwell. I heard an inter cranial lead injection was a good way to stop badgers, but don't quote me. Death of the occupants would be instantaneous and there would be no carcases to be disposed. Using paracetamol to kill rats Supplies needed. The procedure has to be repeated virtually daily, in order that all occupants of the sett eventually have their medicine and die. Maybe this interpretive work In the vast majority of herds, when their 60 day tests have lapsed for 6 or more months, their total number of reactors is no more would be expected had they been tested on time-at 60 days. Such was the similarity, that nothing the ISG did or said surprised me. However, in 2011, Professor Michael Doherty, a rheumatologist at Nottingham University, published a study looking at almost 900 patients aged 40 and older who took paracetamol, ibuprofen or a combination of both for chronic knee pain. Lead author Gustavo Machado, from the George Institute for Global Health at the University of Sydney, and colleagues concluded: Our results therefore provide an argument to reconsider the endorsement of paracetamol in clinical practice guidelines for low back pain and hip or knee osteoarthritis.. I, unlike Prof. Bourne, have no hidden agenda and no vested interests; my sole concern is for the deteriorating TB/cattle situation of my clients and others. Farmers suffering TB incidents, are frustrated and in a state of despair, in their present state, they are very vulnerable. You must log in or register to reply here. WebThere are a few reasons why people take them together. Poisoning with paracetamol. I put electric wire around the hives and have not had a problem since, even though the energiser stopped working several years ago. It has made me far more aware of their devious ways. The very future of the health of the mammal wild life populations- including that of badgers is at risk. At around 2p per 500mg tablet, it certainly is cheap. The prevalence of infection on initial culls was higher in the inner regions of proactive treatment areas (2km or more inside the boundary) than in the outer areas, which is not surprising as trial areas were centred on areas of high bTB risk. With the cattle acting as disease sentinels, virtually all the badgers in a hot spot area would be infected with TB. Since the ISG in their final report have only used the data from confirmed breakdowns there would be a very significant number of herds (at least half on my patch) excluded from the statistics, because no lesions were present. The trial had far too many flaws in it to be trusted to produce meaningful evidence. It is a crisis which has despicably been allowed by default, to escalate out of control for years. Theres a worrying trend emerging on TikTok which is causing a spike in crimes against badgers and other animals, according to charities. SUMMARY Bourne has made the claim that TB is highly infectious and insinuates that it spreads readily between cattle. He even amended Sir John Krebs proposed design of the trial. I have an out apiary in an ecogarden at work. It must cause serious doubts over the credibility of their whole report? There is already far too much testing of cattle in the hot spots. Register today and take advantage of membership benefits. Nearly all of my cattle clients are either under restriction or have been during the past 3 years. Priorities!? Any policy of vaccination must be off the agenda. Paracetamol is the workhorse painkiller. If he was reported correctly, he was Sir John Kreb, himself in 1997 One contributing factor implicated in the inability of the current control strategies to prevent TB in the UK has been the presence of a natural reservoir of infection in badgers acting as a maintenance host. Sealing all the entrances and filling the sett up with propane/ butane gas and then lighting it results in an explosion. WebBadgers reportedly transmit bovine tuberculosis, a disease with a profound economic impact on farmers whose cows test positive. He was treated with far more sympathy and respect than he deserved. Teens in the UK are killing badgers and other wildlife in a worrying trend, sparking concern among animal rights organizations. how to remove battery from electric scooter,