Since 1970, the UN has set a target for donor countries to contribute 0.7% of their GNI to foreign aid. These non-DFID sources account for around 29.6% in 2019 and are largely derived from financial transaction data. When DFID or other UK government departments provide core funding to multilateral organisations, the funding is pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilaterals. 2. Table 3: Top Twenty Recipients of UK Core Funding to Multilateral Organisations - Multilateral ODA 2018 and 2019 UK spending on foreign aid - Full Fact It highlights that although the United States spent the greatest volume of ODA of any DAC donor (27.1bn), this represented a smaller share of its national income when compared with most other donors (0.16% of its GNI). We also provide some thoughts concerning compliance and risk mitigation in this challenging environment. BEISs ODA includes spend on International Climate Finance, jointly managed with FCDO and DEFRA. Figures for DAC donors final 2019 ODA will be published in December. From January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2023, the United States provided around 73.2 billion euros in bilateral financial . Top 10 Countries Contributing to Foreign Aid - The Borgen Project FY 2021 International Affairs Budget - United States Department of State The fall reflected the Government's decision to reduce aid spending from 0.7% to 0.5% of Gross National Income (GNI) as a "temporary measure" in response to the pandemic's effects on the UK's public finances and economy. Spend increased by 56 million on 2018 to 207 million in 2019. You have rejected additional cookies. The Cross-Government Prosperity Fund has increased its ODA spend year on year, since the fund started spending ODA in 2016, as they move more programmes into implementation, despite DFIDs ODA spend increasing, DFIDs share of total ODA dropped from 74.9% in 2018 to 73.1% in 2019. To get a sense of relative magnitude, Russian disbursements in 2015 amounted to roughly half of Italian aid that year. UK aid spending reduced by 3bn, or 21%, from 2020 to 2021. In 2018, there was 4 million of Debt Relief. Total ODA from DAC country donors in 2019 was 119.7 billion (grant-equivalent measure), an increase from 115.1 billion in 2018. Ireland and Norway complete the top five nations in the index. A project title and description are also provided. IDA was replaced as the largest recipient of UK multilateral ODA by the UKs share of the EUs Development budget (referred to as EU attribution). In the Blue Book 2019, the ONS implemented a major new methodology framework for GDP, which in turn had a sizable impact on GNI. The ODA:GNI ratio presents the amount of UK Official Development Assistance (ODA) as a proportion of Gross National Income (GNI). Japan - Japan is the largest contributor to foreign aid in Asia. by bilateral through multilateral ODA (earmarked funding) and core contributions to multilateral organisations (un-earmarked funding). Seven of the top ten country-specific ODA increases from 2018 were seen in LDC/Other LICs (Yemen, Bangladesh, South Sudan, Uganda, Afghanistan, Mozambique and Zambia), LDCs and Other LICs continue to account for the largest proportion of bilateral country-specific ODA spend in 2019 at 56.4%, UK ODA to LMICs represented 29.7 per cent (1,488m) of UK country specific bilateral ODA in 2019, compared to 32.3% (1,458m) in 2018, total UK bilateral ODA received by UMICs increased by 136 million to 694 million in 2019. , Frontline Diplomatic Activity (FDA) costs are administrative costs of core programme and operational delivery in or in favour of DAC-listed recipient countries that meet the primary ODA purpose. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita below the World Bank high-income threshold defines the coverage and boundaries of the list. Italy is the lowest performing G7 country in the rankings at number 20 while the US, where the administration is reviewing US aid priorities, ranks at number nine. Its worth noting that, like other multilateral organisations, core contributions to IDA are based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, four of the top 5 receiving organisations of UK multilateral ODA in 2019 were among the top 5 multilaterals in 2018. The data used for ODA flows by recipient countries is for 2018. Foreign aid: Who will be hit by the UK government cuts? - BBC News Rep.) remains a top 10 recipient of UK bilateral ODA after entering in 2018 due to the increase in Humanitarian Aid spend, which has been the highest sector spend in the country for the last 3 years, South Sudan became a top 10 recipient of UK bilateral ODA in 2019 due to the increase in Health spend, which became the highest spend sector in the country in 2019, while Humanitarian Aid had been the highest sector for the previous 5 years, the amount of UK ODA to the top 5 multilaterals represented 68.7% of total multilateral ODA in 2019. Here are the six types of foreign aid: 1. DEFRAs ODA spend delivers against international climate, biodiversity and development objectives. The ONS publishes revisions to GNI estimates as more economic data becomes available. International development aid is given by many non-private donors. Foreign aid budget 'raided' by Home Office to pay for refugee hotels To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: To illustrate the impact of using provisional figures, DAC members provisional ODA for 2018 was 114.7 billion. In 2019 (the most recent year for which comprehensive numbers have been released), the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid - about the same as 2018 and $1 billion more than in 2017. The GNI used to calculate the ODA:GNI ratio for 2019 is based on the pre-2019 Blue Book methodology. Development Tracker Figure 13 legend: DFIDs and Other Government Departments and Other Contributors of ODA (non-DFID) spend by sector, 2019 ( million). Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . The commitment to spend 0.7% of GNI on ODA has been met, UK ODA was 15,197 million, an increase of 645 million (4.4% increase) on 2018, bilateral through multilateral: this is earmarked ODA spent through multilateral organisations. A full micro-dataset is also available in Open Data Standard format on the Statistics on International Development webpage. The U.S. provides aid to countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that are strategically important to the U.S. The countries that give the most foreign aid are among the wealthiest nations in the world. UK foreign aid cut: Where does it go and what is it used for? The 2019 final ODA:GNI ratio is based on a GNI estimate published by the ONS on 30 June 2020. BBC World Service contributes to the BBCs international news mission to address the global gap in provision of trusted news by broadcasting and distributing accurate, impartial and independent news and analysis in developing countries. Pension payments made to ex-members of the UK Overseas Civil Service who were employed directly by developing country governments. Britain Slashes Foreign Aid: 'You Couldn't Pick a Worse Time' for DFID, the sector spend profile reflects greater spend in the social and disaster response sectors, such as Humanitarian Aid (1,526m) and Health (1,103m). Development Tracker. Much of the humanitarian aid budget will be focused on countries most at risk of famine such as Yemen, Syria . Other reasons for fluctuations between years include the change in UKs share of the EU budget in comparison to other member states and exchange rate variations, in 2019, the UKs core contribution to IDA was 891 million, a decrease of 1,040 million from 2018. Also included is spend within specific sectors for which there are no designated benefitting country or region or where benefitting countries are not known until the end of the programme[footnote 11] (section 4.1.5). These are based on gross national income per capita published by the World Bank. As mentioned above, the ODA:GNI ratio is based on confirmed ODA spend and estimates of GNI published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The same countries also met or exceeded the target in 2018. The estimate for the UKs EU attribution in 2019 was 983 million compared to 951 million in 2018, EU attribution fluctuates from year to year because the EU works on a 7 year programming cycle and so EU disbursements in a given year can vary. The top five countries to receive UK aid money in 2021 were Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Yemen, with almost all funds going to countries in Africa and Asia, according to government data. In dark blue is the 2019 ODA:GNI ratio and in grey is 2018 ratio. Prior to the anniversary, the US was Ukraine 's biggest backer, offering around $80billion (66.8bn) in aid, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a global tracker of aid sent to Kyiv, found . . It also consists of ODA-eligible expenditure within donor countries, such as the ODA-eligible portion of costs to support asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. You have accepted additional cookies. The Government slashed the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% of UK national income in 2021. . The UK is one of only six countries who met the UN-defined . It includes all low, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries, except for those that are members of the G8 or the European Union (including countries with a firm accession date for EU membership). This was driven by increased spending by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and DFID. There are two types of bilateral ODA: Core multilateral ODA is un-earmarked funding from national governments to multilateral organisations[footnote 4], which are pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilateral organisation[footnote 5]. DEFRAs ODA programming supports the delivery of all four UK Aid Strategy objectives by strengthening global peace, security and governance, strengthening resilience and response to crises, promoting Global Prosperity and tackling extreme poverty and helping the worlds most vulnerable. The portion of Gift Aid claimed by UK based international development charities that is then used on ODA eligible activities. Foreign aid may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally. Figure 4 legend: UK bilateral ODA by receiving region ( millions), 2009 2019. Non-departmental ODA, for example Gift Aid claimed by charities carrying out ODA eligible activities and spend by Devolved Administrations, contributed 692 million in 2019, approximately the same compared to 2018. Multilateral organisations offer economies of scale in their operations and expertise, and often have the mandate and legitimacy to work in politically sensitive situations. For the departmental breakdown see Table 4a. Figure 3 legend: A) Percentage of UK ODA spend by DFID, Other Government Departments (OGDs) and Other UK Contributors (Other Contributors) in 2015 (dark blue), 2018 (light blue) and 2019 (grey). warning that according to one estimate from the Centre for Global Development aid spending on in . Highlighted countries are those in receipt of UK bilateral ODA, and colours are based on amount received (dark blue=higher amounts UK Bilateral ODA received, light blue=lower amounts UK Bilateral ODA received). In 2019, the UK was one of 5 DAC donors along with Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden to either meet or exceed the UNs target of an ODA:GNI ratio of 0.7%. These shares are similar to 2018, UK bilateral ODA spend to the top 5 recipient countries in 2019 increased from 1,409 million in 2018 to 1,415 million in 2019. Despite the slight downward trend since 2015, spend is still higher than in 2012, spend to Afghanistan has fluctuated over the last 10 years. Figure 1: UK ODA levels ( billions) and ODA:GNI ratios (%), 1970 - 2019. Table 3 shows the 20 multilateral organisations that received the most core funding (Multilateral ODA) from the UK in 2018 and 2019. Countries That Receive the Most Foreign Aid From the U.S. Data for this publication comes from the following sources: i) DFIDs ARIES database that records financial transactions relating to DFID payments and receipts. Because of this timing the latest estimates that are available are for 2018. This is an increase of 5 million from last year, with Fiji being the largest country specific recipient. UK foreign aid spending in 2021/22. For more information see the Multilateral Funding section, it is administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective, it is concessional, including grants and soft loans, total UK spend on ODA, the UKs ODA:GNI ratio and a breakdown of spend by main government department delivery channels, analysis of UK ODA spend by recipient country or multilateral organisation, as well as type of assistance and sector, comparisons between the UK and other donor countries, the ODA:GNI ratio was 0.70%. The country names and numbers inside each bar are how the rank for that country compared to last year (2018), coloured in red if its decreased (with a red downward pointing arrow), green if its increased (with a green upward pointing arrow) and black if its unmoving (with black horizontal pointing arrow). The DAC reviews the list every 3 years. Individual departments that bid for funding are accountable for their own spending and delivery under the given fund. , Defined as ODA-eligible multilateral organisations for core (unearmarked) contributions by the OECD DAC, see, The UK may also provide funding to these organisations for specific programmes, which would be recorded as bilateral spend through a multilateral organisation. Note, percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding. , The Global Partnership for Education is an example of a sectoral-specific fund where amounts allocated to countries is not known in advance. Figure 9 legend: DFID (A) and Non-DFID (B) Breakdown of Country-Specific UK Bilateral ODA by Country Income Group, 2019. The UKs ODA spend is only slightly affected by this change as most of its ODA is issued through grants. The size of the circles corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each country sector. Over 5 years: Like the Americas, ODA spend in Europe[footnote 12] is small compared to Asia and Africa. See humanitarian factsheet (p. 35) for more background. This share was still below the 2017 level of 28.1%, of the non-DFID contributors, Other Government Departments (OGDs) ODA accounted for 22.4% of total UK ODA, their largest share over the last 10 years. A glossary, explaining key terms used throughout this report, is available in Annex 1, See commitments made by the UK and other donors at the 2005 G8 Summit in Gleneagles, For more information on the grant equivalent measure and the impact on UK ODA, see background note 6.2, The multilateral must be on the OECD DAC list of eligible multilaterals in order to receive unearmarked funding. 3-min read. In 2022, the United States government donated over 12 billion U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid worldwide. For information on the work of the UK Statistics Authority visit: This is partly due to there being no contribution to the IMF- Poverty Reduction Growth Trust Fund in 2019, compared to a contribution of 120 million in 2015, in 5 of the 15 top recipient countries, the UK contributed 15% or more of total DAC donor ODA: Ethiopia, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Pakistan. The saving . DFID data for this publication is based on an extract of the ARIES database taken in June 2019, after the end of the calendar year 2019 and financial year 2019/20. The size of the dots corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each income groups sector. The Biden-Harris Administration's Request is a . Other Technical Assistance includes training and research, a further 8.6% consists of core support to Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or other delivery partners, such as research institutions, where funds are not earmarked for a particular country/region and work may benefit a wide range of developing countries. View full size version of infographic: Case Study 1 - Yemen. Bilateral ODA to Europe has increased from 55 million in 2015 to 189 million in 2019. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. This means that in 2016, for example, 7.85% of the UK's total foreign aid budget (ODA), which totalled 13,348m (pdf) that year, was spent on climate-related projects. Designation means the statistics carry the National Statistics label and conform to the standards summarised below. This approach is in line with how DFID dealt with the last major GNI methodology change[footnote 29] and provides consistency between the in-year monitoring and reporting of the ODA:GNI ratio. This is similar to 2017, of the 5 countries receiving the greatest amount of total DAC donor ODA (Afghanistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh and Ethiopia), three (Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Syria) were among the top five recipients of UK ODA. This article looks at statistics on aid spending and how it is being spent. The Joint Funds are covered separately as a whole, regardless of which Government Department spends the money. This primarily is linked to food and shelter for up to 12 months. This was an increase of 83 million compared to 2018, reflecting increased spending by FCO and DFID. We are always keen to enhance the value of these statistics and welcome your feedback either via our Statistics User Group or via email This publication confirms the UKs ODA:GNI ratio for the previous year, as well as including more detailed analysis of the UKs Bilateral and Multilateral ODA, and includes the microdata used to produce the publication. Calendar year financial transaction data are used to compile UK ODA spend statistics. The OECD statistics provide ODA breakdowns for DAC donors (including multilaterals). , Please see Table C6 in Excel Tables: Statistics on International Development 2019 for underlying data, From 2017, a single project could allocate spend to one or more sectors codes. 3. This allows regional teams to adjust funding to ensure they have a strategic fit with HMG objectives and are delivering effectively. Its activities include, among others, primary education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate improvements, infrastructure, and institutional reforms. This avoids double counting in Table 3 and the total UK EU attribution is not affected. The UK's 2022 aid strategy - House of Commons Library UK foreign aid - Top recipient countries in 2019 - DevelopmentAid UK PM Sunak could freeze foreign aid for two more years, the Telegraph CSSF delivers ODA activities to tackle instability and prevent conflicts. Figure 2 legend: Total UK ODA by main delivery channel. ODA allocation was 14.5 billion in 2020. II. Such spend comprises of, for example, centrally-funded research or programmes that develop policies which aim to benefit several developing countries. This increased to 115.1 billion for final ODA for 2018 an increase of 0.3 per cent. Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Only asylum seekers within the first 12 months after they make a claim for asylum in the UK are included. The United Kingdom's aid budget is to be effectively cut by 580 million ($800 million) in 2022, after it was revealed that canceling debt owed by Sudan will count toward the nation's reduced .