In the first century, everybody understood what baptism meant the New Testament events pretty much all happen in Jewish territory. Gina is part of a group of oneness folks, who believe not just that Jesus is God, but that God all of God is Jesus. I remember the moral stories of Cain being punished for murdering Abel, Adam and Eve being cast out for disobeying god, and much more, so its left to ponder What defines an action as wrong in the eyes of god? We should not place our hope in our feelings, which may changewe should place our hope in Gods character, which He has revealed to us. The only way to actually trust the chair is to sit on it. Your email address will not be published. A friend, who was a missionary in Pakistan for many years, explained it to me. Facts About Suicide | Suicide | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and But I never been baptized and never really had the chance to. Feelings change, but truth does not. Why are so many concerned about it? Check Gods Word to make sure that what everyone says including me is true. When you finish a Rob Bell book, do you feel more informed or more unsure? But it seems to me now after taking in the comments of this thread and your answer, that gays have only two options to go to heaven on these premise. Baptism is the response to repentance, not part of it. It doesnt seem like Im helping them by doing that. This would include things like not wearing two kinds of fabric togetheran instruction for the ancient Israelites, as a reminder to not mix worship of the One True God with the worship of anything else. Ill tell you how: trust God with your life. So, by that thought process you only have to believe on and be saved/go to heaven; then satan and his minions are going to heaven also because the Bible clearly states they believe too. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. If you cheat on a test and die before making it to confession, Catholicism would have you believe that you must suffer for your sin prior to gaining entrance into Heaven. Sometimes its due to ignorance, and sometimes it due to a difference in perspective. I read and watch different articles and videos on the gospel and each one contradicts the other. failure to register motor vehicle missouri points. Im writing an email to you as well, so you have my contact info. The notion of past lives is incompatible with the Bible. Im also not trying to call anyone out. If youre a Christian, you should be baptized not so you can go to Heaven, but because you want all that God has for you. There are plenty of people who have bad relationships with God. I never knew how wicked, and how bad I was until now. All it takes is surrender. Which is fairly more secular compared to what I listen to. Homosexual behavior, like every other kind of sexual behavior thats not between a married man and woman, is condemned by God. First, a false teacher is a teacher. Thanks for writing, Ted! They all agree on salvation, forgiveness, and grace. Jurisdiction. Jesus didnt fear the Father because He KNOWS exactly what the Father is like! Sometimes we see what we want to see, and our feelings will often confirm our hopes. If your parents will not allow it, wait until youre able to decide for yourselfand, in the meantime, grow in the faith. I will do whatever I can to help you and your husband. Once they understand, they need to know that God has already commanded them to be baptized. This is something that happens to people who are already saved. He is the perfect, loving Father, and we are the little children who think we can do things on our own. Where their teachings match whats found in the Bible, theyre right. Think about the time before God created the universe. You should not worry about how your body will be handled after you die. Anything else YOU do to earn going to Heaven. Forgiveness of sins is not accomplished by getting wet, either. Because they dont think clearly. Pray he will show you many things. Christianity is following a person. Between 2012 July 2015, I sinned, I thought I have lost my faith in God, as I didnt really pray to him much, I didnt talk to him much. Accepting the fact that God is God and we are not, and taking advantage of His invitation to be loved and protected and nurtured and accepted and taught by Him means that we are not alone in this life, and that we will spend eternity in relationship with Him by choice and that will be wonderful. Because of this, there is no disagreement between them. God will answer my prayers, God will only answer if its in his plan. At that point there is no reason to wait. An adult or child of catechetical age who is not baptized enters the Christian Initiation process and through a process of liturgy, catechesis, and formation is prepared to celebrate the three sacraments of . >> people on here are not wrong they view things different to you. Thats a common traditional thought in the modern world. She claimed that THAT BEAT was the devils beat, and that he should never play it. Its pretty awesome, I must say. I thought that Jesus was a piece of him in human form but not him entirely. If you feel that your relationship with your grandparents is strong enough for a bit of push-back, heres what I might do. Thats why GodWords is here. If God couldnt win, I would try to find out how to avoid making the devil mad. The easiest way is to read the New Testament. God has already given us some helpful information on how to live well. I can help. This is confirmed by Pope Pius IX, in "Quanto conficiamur moerore," August 10, 1863 (DS 2866) "God in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." Thanks for visiting my website. Im happy to hear that you join them twice a month. Like on the chair. Heaven isnt a place you earn the right to live in. Baptism is what we do AFTER we believe not to have our sins forgiven, but to demonstrate to the community of faith that we have joined them by trusting God. Id love to hear that youve done that, so I can call you my brother. I appreciate you asking this question. And if people DO agree that there IS evidence in the New Testament about this subject doesnt that make Gods word not infallible since it contradicts his word in the Old Testament? Im not against Rob Bell. Do Babies Go to Heaven? What the Bible Says About Unbaptized Infants There are a lot of things that Christians disagree on. Later, they would open the tomb and remove his bones, putting them in an ossuary (bone box). We end up being obedient because were grateful, and because He helps us grow into the people we should be. Our neighbors had a Bible study in their home, and the lady suggested that my mom ask my dad if he wanted to come. We dont have to like it, but we do have to deal with it. Id like to think that Justice is based on much more than devotion, but I dont feel I have the right judging others Its not my place. That probably matters, if one wants to go to Heaven. Be super kind. Sometimes, the things we do like will change, too if theyre not good for us. He will be dressed in clothing dipped in blood. This passage makes a couple of things clear. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one God. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. I even corrected my boyfriend when he said Jesus was his God. You seem confident that you dont belong in Hell. Then, I finally really pursued God. Thats an admirable concern, but think about it for a while: if God is just (and I believe that He is), why would He hold you morally accountable for information you didnt have access to? The temptation is to examine your experience, to try to extract its meaning, and then to proclaim to the world what they need to change to be right with God. God can do anything He wants to, including giving angels the ability to look like someone else. Only then can they claim to be a disciple and publicly display their faith. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Get MORE involved, but do it in a 100% positive way. So there is a difference between being baptized in the Holy Spirit and having the Holy Spirit anoint you for a specific work. If you lived near Denver, it could be me but, since you dont, it needs to be somebody. I mean, I dont know. If you trust Jesus, you should also trust Him to be RIGHT about the Father. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. Let me know if you need a hand finding some of these folks. He was a child long desired but not awarded to us We buried him alongside the martyrs with whom he shares the compact of the tomb, She said: "Families can learn when to give medicines and when to introduce visitors. Catechumens dying unbaptized happened all the time during the Roman persecutions. So which is it that happens?. Im happy to hear you believe fully in the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, when Paul wrote that we are saved by grace through faith, he wasnt talking about some kind of easy-believism. Im a Christian apologist. Concerning the Death of Unbaptized Infants by St Gregory Nazianzus I have a few thoughts about this. He then breathed into Adams body the breath of life, and Adam became a living being. You need them, and they need you. You say that nobody is in Heaven right now. I feel God will call you to get baptized when its right, and theres no need to rush. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. Thats awesomebut thats not how God judges whether we should get into Heaven. disobedience and yet spiritual leaders and teachers say that God is forgiving. If someone is pressuring you, it may be time to leave. I dont mean that God is in HeavenI mean that Heaven is wherever God happens to be. 2010-06-12 09:43:00. Salvation is not accomplished by getting wet. Dont accuse them, just ask. A lot of people, not understanding the trinity, have a hard time understanding the Holy Spirit. So: what about being gay? Ive seen nothing like that in Bells teaching. Make plans for a full life, knowing that youre not in control of the universe. This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. Unless one believes that non-Christians can receive the Spirit, this should settle the issue on whether one must be baptized to be saved. What makes you think there will BE a judgment day? If so, then nobody could go to Heaven. Verse 8: false teachers do not have the authority that comes from God, where whats being taught matches the gospel as it was initially taught by Jesus and His disciples. To be more precise, Hes the perfect father. I live in the middle of dinosaur country (Colorado, USA) and have seen and touched many dinosaur bones and dinosaur eggs. Lets say that you and Jesus are having lunch together. An earthly father forgives his children for greater and numerous amounts of Each of those could be a separate comment on their own, but Ill try to address the big idea first. He had some, but He came to serve. The reason I say that nobody is in Heaven or Hell right now is that the Bible speaks of judgment as an end-time event. . We love people, but still get lonely. Well to get to Heaven, everybody has to do the same thing. If thats the case, then Jesus didnt actually die for your sinsdid He? The ossuary would then be placed with other ossuaries containing the bones of family members. Do you not want to go to church because youd rather stay home and watch Netflix? They dont clear things up, but make things muddy. As for your sins, welcome to the club. Anyone can find salvation at any time before they die. >> 2) Was/Is it too late for me to be saved? As long as your church has all of these important parts right: Yeah, thats probably it. Well Tony I truly feel my grandsons are in heaven right now. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Tell Him that youre sorry for the bad things youve done, and ask Him to wash them away. The question behind your question is what is baptism?. There is no qoincidence with God.have your own personal relationship with God and you will see that if you draw nigh to him, he will draw nigh to you. Youre important to God. You know, things like loving your neighbor and being forgiving and so on but more. You know what was weird about Disneyland? First, read your Bible. I want to be fair to Bell, and to answer your question responsibly. I dont find it good or useful most of the time, so I control myself and work to not give in to that desire. So I said ok, just as you have your father, who is also a carpenter, and a son, three distinct things but only ONE person and his name James. Youre right: theres much, much more to being a Christian than just having Jesus in your heart. What I dont like is music that makes me feel bad, and some songs do that to me. Then what? Do you think He would agree with your assessment of how the universe works? You see, nobody goes to Heaven because they recited some words. waynehastings Original sin is a very corrosive doctrine and I reject the idea that anyone is born guilty of sin. Really! What about Birth Defects? They were all involved in the creation, in the flood, in the exodus everything. You and I may not meet here, but we will meet there if you belong to God.