Where the heck could it be? (Lincoln rubs his eyes, then slowly smiles at Ronnie Anne. Would I lie to you?". Rita kisses Lily on her forehead and hands her to Lincoln. Right Lily?". And when we do, we have to repay him back for what we did! Lincoln: "Oh, a challenge, huh? Lincoln! Another chorus of "Ooo's" could be heard as Ronnie Anne's face reddened. Plus, I want to get to know Lily a little more. "D-don't get used to it, Lame-O." See ya, Lame-o. ", Lincoln: "Well, Leni has some in her and Lori's room. I think Lincoln is gone (quietly) because of us! Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. lincoln. "My family was attacked and I had to run, never to return", she replied, sobbing. Lincoln: No way. This catches their attention and they notice Lily is a little messy. We'll come pick you up when we're done, okay sweetie? Suddenly, Lincoln's phone rings. ", Lincoln: "Ronnie Anne offered to help me babysit Lily. Ronnie panted, "I'm glad you're enjoying it." ", Ronnie Anne: "I'll go after him! This little piece is brought to you by a Thirsty Adeyemi. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Bobby answers the door). Lincoln and Ginraiwatch the Unicorn depart for her home in the woods. The 6: NOT A THING TO DO!Most of the parents of the kids are then shown. ! ", Lincoln: "No mom, not at all. The Loud House (Lincoln Loud x Ronnie Anne Santiago). 902 8 2. Lincoln: Wait. Hold on there, Lily. The end. It is way too early to be talking about that. Said another in a deep, silly voice. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is. (Lincoln and Ronnie Anne hug each other, as Ronnie Anne kisses Lincoln on the cheek.). Please ADD. Can you get them down for me, please? he eventually gets up, and runs outside the door, past his sisters. Sid: Okay, two things, first: That's gross and second: I really feel bad. List of characters in The Loud House franchise - Wikipedia After a few seconds of tug of war, the little boy wins and pushes Lily back, causing her to fall. "I know now", Lincoln replied, cuddling her 'till they fell asleep with their sweaty bodies exposed on the bed. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? I'm sure we'll find Lincoln! It then cuts back to the Comic Book store, as it shows Lincoln looking tired from waiting too long). After deciding to be "independent" together, they set out to seek "Fame and Fortune". While Lincolnwraps the Unicorn's human form in a blanket, Ginraistates that the magic He has, not he, chose the form, and promises that he will return her to normal after the quest is complete. Luna: If this broken picture proves us anything, is that we hurt Lincoln, and we must feel like monsters to him! Lincoln Loud feels terrible, the recent misunderstandings with his family have made him doubt his value as a Loud, and, if it were no set 5 years in the Future, Lincoln is a 16 year old still living in the Loud House, which gradually downsized overtime. I have to Babysit Lily. Then the team had no choice but to throw a party, accepting the fact that the land would soon belong to the mavericks. Luan: And I got all of that on my phone! I don't know where I'm gonna go, but there's no way I'm staying here. (On a side note, I was actually going to make Lincoln run away to Pop-Pop's instead, but changed it to where he runs way to the Santiago house because it wouldn't be so obvious to the sisters. You let Ronnie Anne find you.". Remember when I did all of those humiliating videos to make you all forgive me for what I did? LINCOLN: Lori, back me up! You and Ronnie Anne are so cute together! After accidentally causi Just a truth or dare with the loud house! Wonderful! #old Lincoln: "That little boy over there has it! The Loud House - Wikiquote Lynn: Well, maybe after breakfast we should go and find him. If we just keep trying! Being pushed, hated, and treated badly by my family is a fate worse than death. I'm a pretty little princess!!" She disagrees about the importance of his actions, as they helped them to restore unicorns to the world; though she is the only unicorn to feel regret, she is also the only unicorn to know love. WARNING: This chapter contains a sex scene not appropriate for younger readers. Lily loves the park. (Lincoln groans in frustration, as he walks downstairs while his sisters snicker at him. They're cookies. It's time to meet everyone's favorite superhero! And we even made Lincoln cry! Ronnie Anne had got up a little and looked at the carnage on the screen, shedding a tear or two. Leni: Well, him and Bobby are friends now. (Lincoln proceeds to eat his bacon and eggs, as Ronnie Anne smiles at him). That's 'no' to peas. Lori doesn't like anyone beside her and Leni going in their room, but since this is for Lily, I'll make an exception. Ace Savvy: Well, that was interesting. Followed by Lola, then Lana, Luan, Lisa, Luna, Lily, and Lori. I'm sorry Ronnie Anne but I can't talk about that but it's something I like to keep buried for right now, Ronnie Anne: I understand so why did you wait when Tony was taking down 3 years ago, Lincoln:because a man like Tony still had power even on the inside it was only after he died from a heart attack several weeks ago that I decided to come back but I didn't know until pop pop found me and told me himself, Ronnie Anne:you should really tell your sisters this I'm sure they would understand, Lincoln: they'll think I'm lying you know my sister is very well especially Lori do you want us to believe she'll believe me even for a second, Lincoln: right now I'm just trying to make up for lost time 9 years I was running when my home was here the whole time I'm hoping with his trip to Hawaii I can connect with them both the sisters I left behind and the sisters I didn't know existed until several weeks ago, Ronnie Anne:you may have changed but you're still the same lame-o I remember always having that kind heart, Lincoln: your mother is an ER nurse right tell her exactly what happened but tell her not to tell Bobby or my sisters she works hard and I want invite her to Hawaii as well I know she needs to vacation, Ronnie Anne: I'll tell her and you're right she doesn't eat this, Ronnie Anne: I still want to know about Japan one day, Ronnie Anne leave the house with a her smile on her face happy to know that Lincoln did not abandon her he just had no choice, Ronnie Anne (I still love you you know Lincoln and although it's been 9 years I hope the spark we had between us is still there), Lincoln (I still love you Ronnie Anne but I still love Sakura as well I'm such a jerk I like both the woman I love more than anything down Sakura I'm sorry I could not save your brother Ryuji and Ronnie Anne I'm sorry I left you behind), Lincoln wipes away a tear knowing that he shouldn't focus on that he had a vacation to plan and another ticket to buy, Ronnie Anne and Bobby drive home that night, Bobby: so did you get the answer you wanted, Ronnie Anne: not exactly but I forgive him and now I need to discuss something with Madre, Bobby: I guess if you can forgive him I can forgive him I just hope Lori forgives him one day I mean he's doing this for us and he's not even asking for anything he still the man I respect, the Santiago's leave on good terms with Lincoln loud now it's only Lori could forgive him will Lori learn the truth one day will she forgive her big brother all questions for another day. Ronnie: Okay then? Lincoln turned off the TV and dropped the remote in silence. Bobby: I don't think Lori deserves to be my girlfriend if she's gonna make fun of my bro like that. #romance (OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne Story - Wattpad After a while, Ronnie Anne was finished. That leaves you with Lily. LINKY!!! ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. He asked, patting her on the back. After Rita gets caught sneaking out of the house, she shows Ronnie Anne her secret playhouse, which she had since she was a kid. Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door. The Loud House - The Shopping Games (Lincoln x Ronnie Anne - FanFiction She said honestly and he'd have to admit he was quite shocked, that was probably one of the nicest things she's said to him. Luna: *Tries to catch up with the accent Luan is wearing* Aye mate! [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. I am so honored to be your loyal sidekick in the next comic book! If you don't, please read with discretion. So, we're still going to Gus' Games and Grub today? I made up this story after I watched episodes like It's A 4x Loud House and Sleuth or Consequences. Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! ", Lincoln: (whispers) "Come on. Luan: If it makes you feel any better, we found out you didn't actually clog the toilet or break the TV remote. Lincoln gives her a peck on the forehead and walks out of the twins' room.]. Ronnia Anne looks at him. "Alright, Truth or Dare, Ronnie?" loudhouse, japan, leniloud. Lincoln takes the rag and rinses to food of and wipes Lily himself. Runnincoln Away | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Lincoln had put her arm around his poor girl. Luna: Yes Dude, and I am really urged to talk to you about something Ronnie: Okay, Come in Lincoln's sister Luna: *Smiles* Nahh dude, just call me Luna, Luna Loud. Boredom has taken over me and I was just reading a Loud House fanfiction so why not XD Lori: Don't be! ", Lincoln: "Really? She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is "I'll start I guess." We're gonna have lots of fun together.". Now he was worried about the person who knocked being outside with what was happening right now, so he zoomed down stairs to get the door opened. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. All because one time I took my sister Lucy's blame for clogging the toilet, and me making a fool out of myself at an Ace Savvy convention! Ronnie Anne gives chase, nut after half a minute she lose him. [Lincoln sighs, ties his bindle shut, and walks out the door. They then began to sweat and a strange feeling had hit them. Ronnie Anne: You sure miss your brother and sisters don't you. ", Ronnie Anne: "It was no problem. Whatever Happened to Lincoln Loud? Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's not bad actually. Just as their faces are centimeters away from each other, they are interrupted. He could hear the quiet *click* Of the bathroom door as the brunette latina unlocked it.