However, after some time its growth will be stunted once it reaches 10 inches. I hope youll find the content on my site helpful. Convict cichlid can grow up to 6 inches and they are active fish so they can easily survive in the Oscar Fish tank and will not get eaten by the Oscar Fish. Severum cichlid can grow as large as 7.9 inches so it requires a large aquarium of at least 45 gallons. Pros and Cons. The fish you are thinking about keeping with Oscar Fish should be large enough to not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish or else it will most likely going to get eaten by the Oscar. Bichirs are another good tank mate for your Oscar Fish. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you are keeping these two species together, make sure you first observe their aggression. The ideal water temperatures are 75F to 82F. The ideal water temperature for Bichir is between 77-84 Fahrenheit. 125 gallon oscar tank setup, Advice please - Tropical Fish Keeping These fish are beautiful, but they can also be very aggressive towards other fish. Oscar fish can be quite messy. 8 Compatible Oscar Tank Mates (The Complete Guide) Oscars are one of the most entertaining species of freshwater fish. A few examples of good tank mates for Oscar fish are as follows: Image byDeanpembertonunderCC BY-SA 3.0. With all this information in mind, let us take a look at some of the best fish species to keep with the Oscar fish. Ornate Bichirs can grow up to 24-inches, so remember to keep them in a large tank with a lid since they are active jumpers.Scientific Name:Polypterus ornatipinnisFamily:PolypteridaeOrigin:Captive-BredCare Level:ModerateColor Form:TanSize:2Temperature:77-83 FPH:6.5-7.5Diet:CarnivoreMinimum Tank Size:180 gallonsTemperament:Semi-aggressive. Although blood parrots are non-aggressive, they will defend themselves if get bullied, so it is ok to keep them with Oscars. If they dont get sufficient space to swim around in the aquarium then the most likely going to jump out. You can also feed eat cooked peas, blanched vegetables like spinach, lettuce, carrot, etc. In the wild, they feed on small insects, plant matters, and mosquito larvae. Jaguar cichlid is a large fish that can grow as large as 24 inches. Thats why you have to be very careful while choosing tank mates for Oscar Fish. In your aquarium, it will feed on algae and help to keep algae in control. To keep the water clean and clear you should use a large canister filter and a hang on the back filter for the breeding tank. Its pH tolerance range is between 5 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is between 8 to 12 GH. You can keep 4-5 juvenile Oscar Fish in a small tank of 30 gallons. Moreover, their tendency to dig for food can also dislodge debris in the substrate. Silver Dollars are also relatively peaceful fish so you should create some hiding places for them by adding ornaments such as rocks, driftwood, and plants. Oscar Fish can grow very large. Jack Dempsey is one of the most popular cichlids in the aquarium hobby. Apr 23, 2022. So, make sure you have sufficient ornaments and rocks in your tank to give this creature ample hiding space. These cichlids are very active and like to explore the tank, constantly searching for food and digging up the substrate. This is a colossal mistake and negates the chances of either of the fishes thriving. About 2 to 3 inches of sand as substrate should be fine. 5 Jun. (8 Simple Ways). Or at least it is very difficult to keep tank mates with Oscar Fish. Feature Image Credit: Slowmotiongli, Shutterstock, Goldfish Growth: Average Size & How Big They Can Get, Is Your Goldfish Turning White? And to fulfill their non-vegetarian needs, you should feed them boiled peas, spinach, carrots, etc. An Oscar fish needs between 55 and 75 gallons of tank space to be happy, with each additional Oscar requiring an additional 30 gallons. After reading this article, hopefully, all your doubts about Oscar Fish aquarium size will be declared. But they can be kept as a single specimen, which is why a 30-gallon tank would be good enough for plecos. 12 Benefits of Live Plants in an Aquarium. Bichirs are moderately aggressive fish so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Convict cichlids belong to the Cichlid family which are known for their aggressive behavior so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. The black ghost knife fish are mainly nocturnal animals and they are mainly of black color; then the only place where they are not black is on the tail, where they have white spots. Jaguar cichlid can grow as tall as 24 inches so it requires a large tank of at least 125 gallons. But this doesnt mean that they cannot coexist with other tank species like the Oscar fish, but it simply means that they should be kept by experienced tank keepers and people who know what they are doing. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); AFC was designed and made with fish keepers like you and me in mind. While choosing tank mate for Oscar Fish, you should make sure that the ideal water parameters that the fish you are thinking about keeping with your Oscar Fish are similar to that of Oscar Fish. Required fields are marked *. Lets take a closer look at what you need to know about Oscar fish housing requirements. When Oscar Fish are juveniles (about 1 inch) they look very cute and little fish. This fish can get very large up to 30 inches so there is no way that it can fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish. Hi! Beneficial bacteria help to keep harmful nitrogen compounds in control. How big will an Oscar can get in a 55 gallon tank? For 2 Oscar fish, you should have a tank that is between 100 - 125 gallons in size. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Are Oscar Fish Good Pets? Besides, Plecos are nocturnal fish which means that they stay active during the night and feed during the night. An Oscar fish needs 55 gallons of tank space at the least, although closer to 75 gallons is the ideal. They are also quite large they grow to up to 6 inches, which is also similar to the Oscar fish. Convict cichlids are omnivorous and they will readily eat anything you put in their tank. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Soft sand that your Oscars can dig around in is what you need, and to make the aquarium look good with brightly colored Oscars, getting either white, yellow, or black aquarium sand is recommended. While it is not aggressive in community tanks, it can be aggressive towards stray fish in your tank. Like Oscars, they belong to the Cichlid species of fishes and can be even more hostile than them, especially during the spawning season. But they only turn aggressive if they are running low on space or if they are threatened; also, when there are smaller fish in the tank that they can prey on. Although they are predatory, their targets are usually smaller fishes. 15 Things You Must Know Before Buying Your First Aquarium. The tank water of Balloon Mollie's tank should be slightly alkaline with a pH of around 7.5 to 8.5. Silver Dollars are good tank mates for Oscar Fish that dont belong to cichlids family. Pleco, etc. Yes, you can keep to Oscars in a 75 gallon tank if they are small in size i.e. The only problem is, I have had many problems with aggressive Oscars in the past. How many gallons does an Oscar fish need. That said, we recommend purchasing and raising them together. 7 Causes of Aggressive Goldfish Behavior & How to Stop It, 5 Great Tank Mates for Porcupine Pufferfish (Compatibility Guide 2023), What Happens When You Overfeed A Fish: 11 Issues. This fish can grow up to 7.9 inches so it will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and get eaten. Jack Dempsey can grow up to 15 inches. The latest veterinarians' answers to questions from our database, Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS (Vet), Beagle Pain Syndrome: Causes, Signs, and Care Guide, Rabies in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Care Guide, How to Help an Abused Dog Recover 8 Tips and Tricks, My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone! The common Oscar fish has a dark brown body with yellow, gray, or pale green stripes. Keep in mind that some of these require some knowledge from your part, and also you should have plenty of knowledge to keep the Oscar fish in the first place. Most of them are predators towards smaller fish and other small creatures in the tank, and that is the only consideration you need to keep in mind with the cichlasoma. They do not do very well in high acidity or alkaline waters. The ideal water temperature range is between 74-84 Fahrenheit. Why Severum cichlids are good tank mate for Oscar Fish? But this is the reason you need a very large tank to keep them with your Oscar fish. I have two Oscars in my 210G that I'm moving over to my 125G. Its pH tolerance range is between 5.5 to 7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is between 4-18 KH. And to the juvenile Green terror, you should feed 3 times per day in small portions. Silver Dollars are schooling fishes that swim as a group in the open, thus signaling the absence of any predator. Oscar Fish can live up to 20 years and it can grow up to 12 inches. Primarily, you should feed them Cichlids flakes and pellets. They can make a good companion for the Oscar fish. Severum cichlids are omnivorous. In the aquarium, primarily you should feed them Cichlids flakes and pellets. When it comes to selecting tank mates for your Oscar, there is one crucial thing that you need to keep in mind. So you should choose the fish that are large in size and that will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish. Its pH tolerance range is between 6 to 6.5 and the hardness tolerance range is between 4 to 6 GH. Or your Oscar is bullying any fish you are keeping in the tank. They can grow up to 12 inches, almost the same as Oscar fishes, making the chances of being eaten by Oscars negligible. But they should be fine if they have enough space with the Oscar fish. It is also known for its aggressive behavior. 7 Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates (Compatible And Safe), The Best Oscar Fish Tank Mates In A Tank (125g or Bigger), Apistogramma baenschi (Inca cichlid) Fish Species Profile & Care, Apistogramma borellii: #1 Easiest Apisto to Take Care of For Beginners, Apistogramma trifasciata Species Profile & Care. Its pH tolerance range is between 6.6 to 7.8 and the hardness tolerance range is between 6 to 8 GH. This fish can get pretty large similar to the size of your Oscar Fish. This means that you do need a fairly strong filter for them. Pleco is another bottom-dwelling fish you can keep in your Oscar Fish tank. 13 Types of Oscar Fish For Aquarium (With Images), Image byDeanpembertonunderCC BY-SA 3.0. Think the tiger Oscar will get along with these tank mates, or should I not even try it? You also have to remember, minimum size equals maximum effort. Blue Acara can grow up to 7 inches so it will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and get eaten. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'aquariumfishcity_com-box-4','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumfishcity_com-box-4-0');For a 100g tank, you can have an Oscar with a school of Silver Dollars. The ideal tank size would be 30 gallons or more. The minimum requirement for an Oscar is 75 gallons so lets imagine we are working with a 50 gallon tank for your tankmates. An Oscar fish needs 55 gallons of tank space at the least, although closer to 75 gallons is the ideal. This is quite warm, so if you live in an area where the ambient air temperature does not keep the water warm enough, you will have to invest in a decent aquarium heater. Blue acara can grow up to 7 inches and they require at least a 30-gallon tank. You can see why it is so popular with tank keepers, but there are some considerations for you if you want to keep them with the Oscar fish dont keep them in the tank if they are mating or have just one fish of the species in the tank. But Oscar Fish have personality and you should try to keep at least a pair of Oscar Fish to promote social interaction. Usually, Pleco can get very large. Because they are almost equal in size and aggressive in nature. Ultimately a full-grown Oscar Fish requires a large tank. this 125 gallon 6ft tank is stocked with a mississippi map turtle, 2 Oscars, 3 parrot fish, 3 acaras, 1 senegal dinosour bichir, 2 synodontis catfish and 1 crayfish and a albino pleco for. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The minimum tank size of these fish is 100 gallons. Also, there is an overlap between the ideal water parameters of Severum cichlids and Oscar Fish so you can keep them together in the same tank. Oscar Fish belongs to the Cichlids family and they are known for their aggressive behavior. Its body patterns do look a bit like a jaguar. So when it comes to aquarium size for Oscar Fish, the more the better! This means that this fish is for intermediate to advanced fish tank owners. The Jack Dempsey fish is not an easy fish to keep in your tank. Below is a chart that shows different species of popular Pleco fish and their tank size requirements. Since Oscars are pretty large, Bichirs pose no threat to them and vice versa. This means that if you intend to keep a single green terror cichlid, then they are suitable for tanks of 35 gallons or more. Oscar Fish can get pretty large and they are quite messy fish so they require a large tank. So you should mostly feed them cichlids flakes and pellets. I have two angels, three EB acaras, one EB jack Dempsey, two German rams, 5 yoyo loaches, and a pleco. They eat a lot and they arent neat eaters, plus they do create a lot of waste as well. To keep nitrogen compounds under control and to keep your Oscar Fish tank clean and clear you should have a good filtration system in place. A varied diet is key for a healthy Green terror so you should feed it both vegetarian and nonvegetarian foods. Learn more. I created Aquagoodness to help beginners get started with the hobby and to share my experience. The ideal temperature for Convict cichlid is between 79 to 84 Fahrenheit. So if your only goal is to breed Oscar Fish then you should purchase already mated and spawned pair of Oscar Fish. However, a 75-gallon tank or larger tank is recommended. Convict Cichlids 3. Ardiej How big of a tank do i need? So its ideal water parameter range is quite similar to that of Oscar Fish. Generally speaking, the more room you can give your fish the better, so we personally would aim for at least 60 gallons per Oscar fish. Usually, other fish that belong to cichlids family are good tank mates for Oscar Fish because they can get pretty large and can hold their own against Oscar Fish. And will hide near plants, driftwood or any ornaments in your tank during the day. Why Jack Dempsey is a good tank mate for Oscar fish? Oscar Fish also prefers a strong current. Remember, Oscars are fascinating and lively creatures as long as you are patient and attentive. But if you have a small tank or if you have overstocked your tank then nitrogen compounds levels can spike pretty quickly. So there diet is consists of meaty food such as frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. oscar tank mates 55 gallon - Oscar Fish Advice Forum: Tiger Oscar (1/1)55 Gallon Cichlid Tank Setuphere is is again next too an Aro for a bit size comparis. Yes, you can keep an Oscar Fish in 55 gallon tank. Basically, whichever fish that can fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish you should avoid keeping it in the tank. . You should feed them twice a day the amount of food they can consume within 2 minutes. The cichlasoma genus of fish is a genus of fish species that incorporates a large number of subspecies. Lindsey Stanton. Were always learning, figuring stuff out, taking advantage of the enormous smarts of our friends and our on-line community, and trying to give some of that back in turn. All Rights Reserved. Why Silver Dollars are good tank mates for Oscar Fish? So they will not bother each other and can easily live in the same tank. Oscar Fish: What To Know About This Stunning Cichlid Providing a varied diet is key for healthy Firemouth cichlids. Its pH tolerance range is between 6.5 to 8 and the hardness tolerance range is between 8 to 15 KH. Green terror is not very difficult to keep if you provide it good water quality. Can Flowerhorn and Oscar Fish Live Together? They stay in their territory (usually behind rocks or other tank ornaments) and can gel with different non-aggressive Cichlids, ScavengerCatfish, and Plecos, besides Oscars. The ideal temperature range for Pleco is between 74 to 80 Fahrenheit. Pleco is the best cleaner fish you can keep in your Oscar fish tank. oscar tank mates 125 gallonjj auto sales. Black Banded Leporinus can grow up to 12 inches so it requires a larger tank of at least 55 gallons. Remember to keep the water clean for these fish, as they tend to produce quite a lot of mess. Its pH tolerance range is between 6-8 and the hardness tolerance range is between 5 to 20 KH. It is actually recommended to keep at least two Oscar Fish to promote social interaction. So they will not bother your Oscar Fish during the day. Convict cichlids are not very small so they will not get eaten by your Oscar Fish. Floating plants tend to be the safest option here, as there is no chance of them being uprooted. High quality aquarium sand with a very fine grain size is ideal here. The fast growth rate of Oscar fish can lead new fish keepers to issues. As this fish belongs to the Cichlid family, it can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Or another way is to get at least 6 to 7 juvenile Oscar Fish put them in a tank and grow them together. (Are They Friendly?). Plecos are nocturnal fish and they are inactive during the day and usually hide behind ornaments like driftwood or rock or near plant matters. Do Oscar fish need tank mates? Convict cichlids belong to cichlids family and they are known for their aggressive behavior so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. By less than 10 inches. Tank Size: Minimum 75+ gallon. But when they grow up, they might turn aggressive to stray fish and smaller fish in the tank. The larger the better! Oscar fish tank condition Before we look into appropriate species that are best suitable for Oscar in a community tank, it is best you understand the basic requirements that you need to keep their tank alive. Firemouth cichlids are omnivorous and they are not fussy eaters so they will readily eat anything you put in their tank. Oscar Fish. So, without further ado, lets dive right into it! Stay on top of dog food recalls here >, Have a question? You can also keep some fast growing plants in your aquarium and occasionally Blue Acara will nibble on them. The ideal water temperature range for Bichirs is between 72 to 82 Fahrenheit. It can get very aggressive during spawning season and can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Some inexperienced aquarists make the mistake of putting another fish along with the Oscar in a 75g tank. Therefore, you will want to add a few basic rocks and pieces of driftwood to the mix, just to make them feel at home. Blood parrots have similar requirements as Oscars, they prefer temperatures between 75-80 F and pH levels between 6.5-7.5. No, keeping Angel fish with Oscars is not a good idea. Its pH tolerance range is between 7-8 and the hardness tolerance range is between 3 to 10 KH. As Severum cichlid is omnivorous, you should also feed them vegetables as boiled peas, zucchini, spinach, etc. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Most Bichir species are wonderful tank mates for Oscars, but Ornate Bichirs (Polypterus ornatipinnis) are usually preferred because of their unique eel-like bodies and large size. The clown loach, or the tiger botia, is a very well-known fish species among the fish tank keepers. Option 1 - Silver dollars get much too large for a 50 gallon and I can see them easily being picked on my the oscar. The bare minimum tank size for any type of oscar fish is 75 gallons. Why Blue Acara is a good tank mate for Oscar Fish? Oscar fish are used to living in fairly tropical waters, and therefore they do require you to keep the tank at a certain warmth. They are however known for being quite aggressive and territorial. They can live for 15 years or even more. Thanks to their behavior, blood parrot cichlids are compatible with many other cichlids, including Oscars. Firemouth cichlid is another fish from the Cichlids family you can keep with Oscars. as well as territorial species like Oscars. Severum cichlids are moderately aggressive so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Silver Dollar spend most of their time in the middle part of the aquarium. Also, keep in mind that Oscars like fairly strong currents, so the flow rate of the filter can be kept fairly high. So they will also help to keep your tank clean. That is when they can turn aggressive and it might be a good idea to keep them separate from other fish. Silver Arowana is also known as Monkey fish or Dragonfish. tiger Oscar tank mates : r/Aquariums 6 Tips to Take Care of Live Plants in Aquarium. There are over 150 species of pleco fish. They are quite big fish, which makes them appropriate for larger tanks tanks of 80 gallons at least. Besides, the ideal water parameters range that Pleco require is quite similar to that of Oscar fish, so you can easily keep them together in the same tank. Therefore, when choosing plants for your Oscar fish tank, you do need to go with plants that are extremely hardy and resistant to being uprooted. Your email address will not be published. It is also a nocturnal fish which means that it will stay active during the night and hide behind any ornament like driftwood, rock or near plants during the day. As Firemouth cichlid belongs to cichlids family, they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. A 125 gallon tank is even better to allow for more swimming space and more controllable water parameters. 8 Types of Oscar Fish (with Pictures!) - AquariumStoreDepot And for every new addition, you will require an extra 20 to 30 gallons. Besides, convict cichlids spend most of their time in their territory inside caves, between plants and ornaments, etc so they will not bother you Oscar Fish. They differ in color and appearance. So, lets take a look! . You should also feed them large vegetable flakes. Oscar Fish Care: Size, Food, Tank Size & Hole in the Head The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. But you can also keep other large, passive to moderately aggressive fish in your Oscar fish tank. It belongs to the Cichlids family so it is moderately aggressive and can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Mixing oscars is really just like rolling dice, it's a gamble. However, when provided with enough room, you can keep multiple Oscar fish together. How much space for more than one Oscar Fish? Its pH tolerance range is between 6.5 to 7.5 and it prefers softer water. Their fairly large size and bright colorations make for quite an impressive fish. Tank Mates. Oscar Fish can live up to 20 years and it can grow up to 12 inches. You might need to be careful about putting some specific fish species in the tank with the Oscar fish. And this fish requires at least a 30-gallon tank. This fish can get as large as 6 inches so it does not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and will not get eaten. So dont get surprised if you found your Oscar Fish is not bothering any of fish no matter what fish you keep with it. . Oscar Fish Care Guide: Diet, Types, Tankmates & More. | 2023 You can also feed it sinking flakes and pellets. Oscar Fish Guide: How Many Can You Have In A 125 Gallon Tank? The jaguar cichlid is a very attractive fish. In terms of lighting, you want to provide Oscar fish with a moderate amount of it. Jack Dempsey is a very large fish (up to 15 inches) so it will not get eaten by your Oscar Fish. In fact, they are a type of carp. As they are omnivorous, you should regularly feed them vegetables such as boiled peas, blanched spinach, carrots, etc. However, most people would recommend giving a single adult Oscar fish even more room, up to 75 gallons if possible. On the other hand, delicate and shy fishes like Discus need a quiet environment to flourish and will not compete for food with an Oscar. Silver Dollar is a popular schooling fish in the aquarium hobby. They are perhaps one of the most beautiful fish and they swim so gracefully that it would be hard to imagine them being an aggressive fish. Oscar Fish Tank Size (A Complete Guide) - Aqua Goodness This waste gets converted into nitrogen compounds like ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. Im Fabian, aquarium fish breeder and founder of this website. Firemouth Cichlids are not that demanding and are ideal for community tanks. Oscar Tank Mates - True Aquarium Of course, like most other Cichlids, they have a prickly nature, and you need to be vigilant if you choose to keep them with tank mates. Besides, they are moderately aggressive fish so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. But Plecos are omnivorous fish and you should not only feed them plant-based diet but occasionally, you should also feed them meaty foods like frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. It can get as large as 7 inches so it will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and will not get eaten. Thus, if you choose to keep Oscar and Bichir in the same tank, ensure they are of the same size. Hello Everybody, I'm looking for advice on some stocking ideas for my 125 gallon tank. It can grow up to 20 inches long. The ideal pH range for Oscar Fish is between 6-8 and the ideal hardness level is between 5 to 20 KH. So, if you have a tank large enough to keep more than two fishes, Severums will be a fantastic choice. But Oscar Fish can grow very fast. So you can keep Green terror with Oscar Fish if you just manage to keep the temperature within the ideal range. They tend to get aggressive when they dont have enough space in the tank. Im keeping freshwater fish from a few years now. Many people have confusions and there are a lot of conflicting opinions on the internet about tank size for Oscar Fish. This tank should be given a powerful filter to keep up with the messy habits of oscar fish. Here are a few fish types you need to avoid while looking for an Oscar tank mate: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Oscars are hostile creatures that will eat any fish small enough (less than 6-inches) to fit in its mouth.